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    【HR术语】什么是公司的核心价值观?(What are core company values?) 什么是公司的核心价值观? 公司核心价值观是指导公司不断优先考虑其使命、愿景和目标的主要原则。从首席执行官到成功的客户服务代表,核心价值观是每个人的锚,引导他们做出一致的、以目标为导向的决策。 为什么核心价值观对公司很重要? 确立核心价值观似乎是一种不必要的形式。但核心价值观是公司身份、精神、文化和品牌的源泉。 核心价值观以一种核心的、基本的理念将不同部门团结在一起。虽然每个部门可能都有特定的目标和优先事项,但核心价值观将所有部门整合为一个具有凝聚力的整体。 人体的核心支撑并稳定臀部、腹部和背部的肌肉,使站立、行走、弯腰等简单动作或空翻、回旋等高难度动作成为可能。 公司的核心价值观也有类似的作用,可以让公司作为一个统一的整体发挥作用,做出简单和复杂的决策,朝着目标前进,建立强大的企业文化,实现业务增长和成功。 公司应该有多少核心价值观? 过多的核心价值观会导致概念模糊,鱼龙混杂。取而代之的是,把你的想法缩减到五到十个核心价值观。优先考虑基本的核心价值观,可以为每个人提供清晰的方向。 公司核心价值观有哪些好的范例? 公司核心价值观应准确、全面地反映公司独特的使命、愿景和目标。让我们来看两个公司核心价值观的例子。 成长于我们所经历的一切 打造卓越 以我为主,赢在我们 我们说到做到 互动透明公开 相互信任、相互支持 换位思考 礼貌 蓬勃发展 工匠精神 嬉戏 团结 如何为公司创建核心价值观? 可以通过研究其他公司的核心价值观来点燃头脑风暴。但是,当需要撰写自己的核心价值观时,请向内审视自己的公司和员工。 确立核心价值观就像剥洋葱: 通过回答一些基本问题,你可以剥开一层层的洋葱,找到公司的核心价值。以下几个问题可以帮助团队发现并确定公司的核心价值观。 贵公司提供什么?为什么? 是什么促使你创办公司? 你的个人价值观是什么,它们如何与你的企业价值观保持一致并为之提供支持? 想象一下您的目标客户。他们欣赏什么价值观,希望从贵公司获得什么? 专业人员需要具备哪些价值观才能在公司发展壮大并帮助公司发展壮大? 您希望求职者具备哪些价值观? 为什么公司核心价值观应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 如今,人们寻找的不仅仅是一份能赚钱的工作。他们希望实现自己的潜能和目标。通过建立和坚持核心价值观,公司可以确定自己的身份,从而吸引和吸引那些寻求更有意义工作体验的人。 以下为文章原文: What are core company values? Core company values are the main principles that guide companies in continuously prioritizing their mission, vision, and goals. Core values serve as an anchor for everyone, from CEOs to customer service success reps, steering them to make aligned, goal-oriented decisions. Why are core values important to a company? Establishing core values may seem like an unnecessary formality. But core values are the source of a company’s identity, ethos, culture, and brand. Core values unite the different departments with a central, underlying philosophy. While each department may have specific objectives and priorities, core values integrate all departments into one cohesive body. The human body’s core supports and stabilizes the hip, stomach, and back muscles, enabling simple movements such as standing, walking, and bending or challenging ones like flips or pirouettes. A company’s core values have a similar purpose, allowing the company to function as a unified body, make simple and complex decisions, progress towards goals, establish a strong culture, and achieve business growth and success. How many core values should a company have? Too many core values result in a mixed salad of vague concepts. Instead, trim down your ideas to five to ten core values. Prioritizing the essential core values provides everyone with clarity and direction. What are some good examples of core company values? Core company values should accurately and holistically reflect the company’s unique mission, vision, and goals. Let’s take a look at two examples of core company values. HiBob: Grow to what we go through Build the exceptional Bring me, win as we We do what we say Interact with transparency and openness Trust and empower each other Slack: Empathy Courtesy Thriving Craftsmanship Playfulness Solidarity How can you create core values for your company? It’s okay to ignite the brainstorming process by studying other companies’ core values. But when it’s time to write your own, look inwards to your company and people. Establishing core values is like peeling an onion: By answering some essential questions, you can peel off the layers to get to the core of what your company is all about. Here are several questions to help teams discover and define their core company values. What does your company offer? Why? What drove you to start your company? What are your personal values, and how do they align and support your business values? Imagine your targeted customer. What values do they appreciate, and what do they want to receive from your company? What values do professionals need to thrive in the company and help it thrive? What values do you look for in job candidates? Why should core company values be part of modern HR strategy? Today, people are looking for more than just a job that pays. They’re looking to fulfill their potential and purpose. By establishing and adhering to core values, companies can define their identity and thus attract and engage people looking for a more meaningful work experience.
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    【HR术语】什么是租赁员工?(What are leased employees?) 什么是租赁员工? 租赁员工是指从人事代理公司领取报酬,为接收公司工作的人员。接收公司一般会聘用租赁员工来完成临时职位或特定项目。 谁是租赁员工的雇主? 雇用租赁员工并为其提供工资和福利的通常是租赁代理公司,而不是接收公司。租赁机构通常会雇用技术人才为接收公司工作,这些行业包括: 医疗保健 金融业 咨询 房地产 法律 员工租赁与共同雇佣 在雇员租赁中,人事代理公司为您的企业提供人员并管理其人力资源行政工作。共同雇佣,也称为 PEO(专业雇佣组织),意味着合作雇佣。例如,PEO 可以处理人力资源行政工作,而贵公司则负责招聘和录用。 根据共同雇佣协议,公司可以以不同的方式分担责任。然而,更令人困惑的是,由于共同雇佣是从雇员租赁演变而来的,因此在美国的一些州,雇员租赁和共同雇佣这两个词被交替使用。 何时应使用雇员租赁? 无论大公司还是小公司,在需要季节性招聘、处理特定项目或缺乏适当的招聘和管理工作资源时,都可以依靠租赁员工。 人力资源领导为什么要关注租赁员工? 员工租赁使公司能够更快地招聘和雇佣员工,从而提高生产力和效率。人才中介公司可以接触到许多合格的人才,并拥有安置这些人才的专业知识,他们可以将有技能的个人与空缺职位相匹配,同时承担人力资源行政负担。 租赁员工的好处 使用优质租赁公司可以: 缩短填补空缺的时间 简化并改进招聘和录用工作 临时提供高绩效工作 人力资源领导者如何才能将租赁员工成功纳入团队? 为您和您的员工提供顺利的员工租赁体验: 评估公司需求。进行需求评估,确定您希望租赁员工履行的职责和职位,以及您需要中介机构承担的行政工作。 遵守法律。员工租赁法律非常复杂。聘请就业律师有助于确保遵守州和联邦法律。 做好调查。为确保您与一流的租赁公司合作,请确保该公司信誉良好并持有执照。 确保员工了解相关政策。除了实施有效的入职流程外,还应在租赁员工手册中加入一个章节,解释他们和你在福利、薪资、退休、公司文化和适当的工作场所行为等方面的义务。 一视同仁。为了让租赁员工感到自己受到重视并成为团队的一员,应通过与他们建立关系、满足他们的需求并为他们提供公平的工作条件,对他们一视同仁。 为什么租赁员工应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 将租赁员工纳入人力资源战略有助于提高灵活性--这是当今多变的工作世界所必须的。将租赁员工无缝纳入整个组织的团队中,即使在工作场所趋势和业务需求不断变化的情况下,人力资源部门和公司也能保持生产力。 以下为文章原文: What are leased employees? Leased employees are people who receive compensation from a staffing agency to perform work for a recipient company. Recipient companies generally bring in leased employees to fulfill a temporary position or complete a specific project. Who is the employer of a leased employee? Leasing agencies, not recipient companies, typically employ leased employees and provide them with salaries and benefits. Leasing agencies often hire skilled people to work for recipient companies in industries such as Health care Finance Consultancy Real Estate Law Employee leasing vs. co-employment In employee leasing, a staffing agency provides your business with people and manages their HR admin work. Co-employment, also known as PEO (Professional Employment Organization), implies collaborative employment. For example, PEOs may handle HR admin while your company manages recruitment and hiring. Depending on the co-employment agreement, companies can split the responsibilities differently. However, to make things more confusing, because co-employment has evolved from employee leasing, in some US states, the terms employee leasing and co-employment are used interchangeably. When should employee leasing be used? Large and small companies can rely on leased employees when they need to hire seasonally, handle specific projects, or lack the resources for proper recruitment and admin work. Why should HR leaders care about leased employees? Employee leasing enables companies to recruit and hire faster for increased productivity and efficiency. With access to many qualified people and expertise in placing them, staffing agencies can match skilled individuals with vacant positions while shouldering the HR admin burden. Benefits of leased employees Using a quality leasing company can: Improve time to fill Streamline and improve recruitment and hiring Offer high-performance work for a temporary period What can HR leaders do to incorporate leased employees into their teams successfully? To facilitate a smooth employee leasing experience for you and your people: Evaluate company needs. Conduct a needs assessment to determine the duties and positions you want the leased employees to fulfill and the admin work you need the agency to take care of. Comply with the laws. Employee leasing laws are complex. Hiring an employment lawyer can help guarantee compliance with state and federal laws. Do your research. To ensure you collaborate with a top-of-the-line leasing firm, make sure it’s reputable and licensed. Ensure employees know the policies. In addition to running an effective onboarding process, include a section in the employee handbook for leased employees that explains their and your obligations regarding benefits, payroll, retirement, company culture, and proper workplace conduct. Treat everyone equally. To help leased employees feel valued and part of the team, treat them the same as everyone else by building a relationship with them, addressing their needs, and providing them with fair work conditions. Why should leased employees be part of the modern HR strategy? Including leased employees in the HR strategy contributes to agility–a must in today’s dynamic world of work. The ability to seamlessly include leased employees in teams throughout the organization enables HR and the company to maintain productivity, even amidst fluctuating workplace trends and business needs.
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    【HR术语】什么是人才招聘?(What is talent acquisition?) 什么是人才招聘? 人才招聘是一个人力资源流程,涉及为公司当前和未来的劳动力需求寻找和聘用合适的候选人。 人才招聘通常包括: 制定和维护公司品牌 起草准确的职位描述 与候选人建立联系 招聘应聘者 面试候选人 挑选新员工 入职 人才招聘是人才管理的垫脚石。人才招聘强调寻找和聘用人才,以组建一支强大的员工队伍,而人才管理则关注员工的参与度、保留率和最佳工作绩效。 人力资源领导为什么要关注人才招聘? 人才招聘阶段使人力资源领导者能够通过寻找、吸引和聘用具备相应能力的人员来填补职位空缺和人才梯队,从而降低招聘成本。人才招聘为建立一支高效、敬业、投入的员工队伍奠定了基础,从而推动公司的发展。 人力资源领导者如何才能成功实施人才招聘计划? 作为一个多维度的过程,人才招聘需要一个结构化的方法。人力资源领导者可以通过以下方式带头实施最佳的人才招聘计划: 制定战略。战略的类型取决于公司的规模。大型企业需要建立人才库,大量招聘人才,并依靠自动化处理简历。相比之下,小型企业通常不需要人才库或批量招聘。人力资源领导者还可以将内部招聘和拥有紧缺技术技能者的招聘方法纳入其中。 了解就业法律。熟悉当地和国家的就业法律可以让人力资源领导者自信地做出决策,并知道何时需要求助专家。例如,在美国,各州以及联邦政府和地方政府的平等就业机会法各不相同。了解相关的就业法规能让人力资源领导者做出符合法律规定的招聘决定,保护公司的法律地位。 培训招聘经理。招聘经理扮演着至关重要的角色--他们负责与应聘者沟通并对其进行面试。解释整个招聘流程可以帮助经理们理解他们的角色在组织大环境中的重要性。此外,尽管招聘经理可能具备必要的能力,但提供日常学习机会可以帮助他们提高能力。职位描述撰写、候选人识别、面试和招聘礼仪等方面的培训,可以让经理们掌握将优秀候选人引入公司的技能。 整合提升技能。科技推动着快节奏的工作世界,人力资源领导者可能会发现,在公司内部招聘更有利于经济和文化发展。通过识别具有高潜力的团队成员,并为技能磨砺和进步基准创建一个 L&D 计划,人力资源领导者可以帮助员工获得晋升和职位空缺所需的技能。 为什么人才招聘应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 在当今瞬息万变的市场中,人才招聘,尤其是大公司的人才招聘,是必须要做的事情。通过将人才招聘纳入人力资源战略,人力资源领导者可以填补职位空缺,同时为突发情况做好准备。人力资源领导者不需要临时寻找合适的候选人,即使面临内部或外部挑战,也能促进人才的持续流动和稳定的生产力。 以下为文章原文: What is talent acquisition? Talent acquisition is an HR process that involves sourcing and hiring suitable candidates for a company’s current and future labor needs. Talent acquisition typically involves: Formulating and maintaining the company brand Drafting accurate job descriptions Building a connection with candidates Recruiting candidates Interviewing candidates Selecting new hires Onboarding Talent acquisition is a stepping stone to talent management. Acquisition emphasizes finding and hiring individuals to form a robust workforce, while management focuses on employee engagement, retention, and optimal work performance. Why should HR leaders care about talent acquisition? The talent acquisition stage enables HR leaders to reduce hiring costs by sourcing, attracting, and hiring people with appropriate competencies to fill job openings and the talent pipeline. Talent acquisition lays the foundation for building a productive, committed, and engaged staff who fuel company growth. What can HR leaders do to implement a successful talent acquisition program? As a multi-dimensional process, talent acquisition demands a structured approach. HR leaders can spearhead an optimal talent acquisition program through: Creating a strategy. The type of strategy depends on the company’s size. Large organizations need to build a talent pool, hire a lot of people, and rely on automation for resume processing. In contrast, smaller businesses often don’t need a talent pool or bulk hiring. HR leaders can also include methods for hiring internally and those with in-demand tech skills. Understanding employment laws. Familiarity with local and national employment laws allows HR leaders to make decisions confidently and know when to turn to an expert. In the US, for example, EEO laws differ from state to state and from federal to local government. Understanding the pertinent employment regulations enables HR leaders to make hiring decisions that align with the law and protect the company’s legal standing. Training hiring managers. Hiring managers play a crucial role–they communicate with and interview candidates. Explaining the entire recruitment process can help managers understand the significance of their roles within the greater context of the organization. Moreover, while hiring managers may have the necessary competencies, offering routine learning opportunities can help them enhance their abilities. Training in job description writing, candidate identification, interviewing, and job offering etiquette will equip managers with the skills to bring excellent candidates into the company. Integrating upskilling. With tech driving a fast-paced work world, HR leaders may find it more financially and culturally beneficial to hire within the company. By identifying team members with high potential and creating an L&D program for skill sharpening and progress benchmarking, HR leaders can help people gain desirable skills for promotions and job openings. Why should talent acquisition be a part of modern HR strategy? Talent acquisition, especially for large companies, is a must in today’s rapidly changing market. By integrating talent acquisition into the HR strategy, HR leaders can fill vacant positions while preparing for unexpected circumstances. Rather than ad-hoc searching for suitable candidates, HR leaders can facilitate a constant flow of talent and consistent productivity, even when facing internal or external challenges.
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    【HR术语】什么是招聘管理系统?(What is a recruitment management system?) 什么是招聘管理系统? 招聘管理系统(RMS)是帮助人力资源部门执行整个招聘流程的软件。典型的招聘管理系统是一个更新的申请人跟踪系统(ATS),提供 ATS 的所有管理自动化功能,以及候选人关系管理(CRM)功能。应聘跟踪系统一般能满足小型企业的需求,而招聘管理系统则包括全面的服务,因此它通常能为大中型企业提供更多服务。 RMS 可自动执行不同的招聘功能,包括: 发布职位描述广告 安排面试 通过聊天机器人回答应聘者的常见问题 提供职位需求和候选人电子邮件模板 向招聘人员发送提醒 将候选人与职位空缺相匹配 始终与应聘者保持联系 人力资源领导为什么要关注招聘管理系统? 招聘管理系统有助于顺利开展招聘和录用工作,为留住员工和提高员工参与度奠定基础。通过自动化,招聘管理系统使招聘人员能够: 管理候选人和新员工 在中央数据库中跟踪相关候选人信息 通过整合信息,做出基于数据的决策,从而改进招聘实践和决策 保持与员工的沟通,让他们参与其中 寻找和聘用具备适当技术技能的候选人 此外,招聘管理系统还能改善应聘者的体验。招聘管理系统可简化招聘流程并提供自助服务功能,从而创建一个更加便捷、有序和可预测的流程。 人力资源领导该如何选择合适的招聘管理系统? 在寻找招聘管理系统时,研究选项和评估公司需求至关重要。人力资源领导者可以结合以下基本步骤来加强他们的战略: 列出公司需求的 “购物清单”。公司规模有多大?每年有多少新员工?哪些功能必不可少?起草一份能回答这些问题并明确公司需求的文件,将有助于人力资源部门选择一个能提供实用解决方案的系统。例如,每年招聘 500 名新应聘者的企业可能倾向于使用全面的 RMS 系统,而招聘 10-15 人的初创企业则可能觉得使用 ATS 系统刚刚好。 建立预算意识。RMS 软件和实施可能很昂贵。了解公司的需求,同时了解 RMS 的预算,对于确定哪个系统能帮助人力资源部门管理员工而不会造成财务损失是很有必要的。 不只看名称,还要看产品功能。ATS 和 RMS 软件之间的区别往往模糊不清。由于 “ATS ”一词对客户来说更为熟悉,供应商甚至会正式将某一产品作为 ATS 营销,即使它的功能更像 RMS。有时,规模较大的 HCM 平台会内置 ATS 或 RMS。 为什么招聘管理系统应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 在当今竞争激烈的就业市场上,招聘具备理想能力和技术技能的求职者需要先人一步。招聘管理系统为人力资源部门提供了技术工具,使其能够做出明智的招聘决策,同时保持用户友好、流畅的应聘体验,促进员工的参与和高绩效工作。 以下为文章原文: What is a recruitment management system? A recruitment management system (RMS) is software that helps HR conduct the entire recruitment process. A typical RMS operates as an updated applicant tracking system (ATS), offering all the administrative automation of an ATS, plus candidate relationship management (CRM) features. While an ATS generally satisfies the needs of small businesses, an RMS includes full services, so it typically has more to offer for medium and large companies. An RMS automates different recruiting functions, including: Advertising job descriptions Scheduling interviews Answering common questions from candidates through a chatbot Providing templates for job requisitions and candidate emails Sending reminders to recruiters Matching candidates with job openings Maintaining a connection with applicants throughout Why should HR leaders care about a recruitment management system? An RMS facilitates a smooth recruitment and hiring process, setting the foundation for employee retention and engagement. Through automation, the RMS enables recruiters to: Manage candidates and new hires Keep track of relevant candidate information in a central database Improve hiring practices and decisions by consolidating information for data-based decisions Maintain communication with people and keep them engaged Source and hire candidates with suitable tech skills Moreover, a recruitment management system improves the candidate experience. An RMS streamlines the recruitment process and includes self-service features, creating a more convenient, orderly, and predictable process. What can HR leaders do to choose an appropriate recruitment management system? Researching options and assessing company needs is essential when looking for an RMS. HR leaders can incorporate these fundamental steps to enhance their strategy: Make a ‘shopping list’ of the company requirements. How big is the company? How many new hires are there per year? What features are essential? Drafting a document that answers these questions and identifies the company’s needs will help HR select a system that will provide practical solutions. For example, organizations recruiting 500 new candidates per year may lean toward a comprehensive RMS, while a start-up hiring 10-15 people may feel an ATS is just right. Build budget awareness. RMS software and implementation can be expensive. Understanding company requirements combined with an awareness of the RMS budget is necessary to determine which system will help HR manage its people without taking a financial hit. Look beyond the name to the product features. The differences between ATS and RMS software are often indistinct. Vendors may even officially market a product as an ATS, even if it functions more like an RMS because the term “ATS” is more familiar to customers. And sometimes, larger-scale HCM platforms include a built-in ATS or RMS. Why should a recruitment management system be part of a modern HR strategy? In today’s competitive job market, recruiting candidates with desirable competencies and technical skills demands being one step ahead. An RMS provides HR with the tech tools to make intelligent recruiting decisions while maintaining a user-friendly, smooth candidate experience, contributing to an engaged, high-performing workforce.
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    【HR术语】什么是核心人力资源?(What is core HR?) 什么是核心人力资源? 核心人力资源是一个总括术语,用来指三个不同的方面: 人力资源部门的主要职能 员工的基本数据 用于实现上述两项功能的软件 核心人力资源有哪些优势? 核心人力资源软件可为企业带来许多好处,包括 作为存储和查看与人员、薪资、注册、合规性等相关的重要数据的集中位置 简化核心人力资源流程并使之自动化 通过数字化文书工作节省时间 改善内部沟通 通过员工自助服务提高生产力 保持重要文件和信息的组织性 提供隐私和安全 通过数据分析收集有价值的见解 核心人力资源包括哪些功能? 虽然每款核心人力资源软件都不尽相同,但软件通常包括以下一些功能: 存储人员数据 员工名录和组织结构图 员工自助服务,用于更新详细信息、申请休假、登记福利等 文件发送和签署 存储合同、手册和政策等人力资源文件 数据可视化仪表盘 核心人力资源通常包括哪些信息? 核心人力资源平台最关键的功能之一是存储重要信息,供人力资源专业人员用来完成各种任务,包括人才管理、劳动力规划、学习管理等。 核心人力资源软件通常存储的信息包括 员工个人信息,如职位名称、工作描述、出生日期、社会保险号等 预扣税款和工资等工资信息 福利注册数据 培训文件 病假和休假日 员工人口统计数据 合规信息 工时和缺勤 核心人力资源软件应包括哪些内容? 如果您想投资核心人力资源软件,我们建议您寻找以下要素: 易于使用、界面友好 实施支持 有用、可用的客户服务 高安全标准 随着公司发展而扩展的能力 可满足您最需要的所有核心人力资源功能,如员工信息、薪资数据、合规性和分析等功能 为什么要将核心人力资源纳入现代人力资源战略? 随着人力资源部门不断发展,并在现代企业中扮演着更具战略性的角色,简化更基本、重复性的人力资源任务和流程并使之自动化,从而释放人力资源专业人员的时间和带宽,变得越来越重要。核心人力资源软件对于尽可能高效、有效地完成薪资和合规性等核心人力资源任务至关重要。 以下为文章原文: What is core HR? Core HR is an umbrella term used to refer to three distinct things: The primary functions of a human resources department Basic data captured about employees The software used to enable the above two What are the advantages of core HR? Core HR software offers organizations many benefits, including: Serving as a centralized location for storing and viewing essential data related to people, payroll, enrollment, compliance, and more Streamlining and automating core HR processes Saving time by digitizing paperwork Improving internal communication Increasing productivity by enabling employee self-service Maintaining the organization of important documents and information Offering privacy and security Gathering valuable insights through data analytics What functions does core HR include? Although every core HR software is different, some functions the software typically includes are: Storage of people data Employee directory and organization chart Employee self-service for updating details, requesting time off, enrolling in benefits, etc. Document sending and signing Storage of HR documents such as contracts, handbooks, and policies Dashboards for visualizing data What information does core HR typically include? One of the most critical functions of a core HR platform is to store important information HR professionals can use to complete various tasks, including talent management, workforce planning, learning management, and more. Some of the information core HR software usually stores includes: Individual employee information such as job title, job description, birth date, social security number, and more Payroll information such as tax withholding and salary Enrollment data for benefits Documentation for training Sick days and vacation days Employee demographics Compliance information Work hours and absences What should core HR software included? If you’re looking to invest in core HR software, we recommend looking for the following elements: Easy-to-use, user-friendly interface Implementation support Helpful, available customer service High security standards The ability to scale as your company grows Features addressing all of the core HR functions you need most such as employee information, payroll data, compliance, and analytics Why should core HR be incorporated into modern HR strategy? As HR departments evolve and take on a more strategic role in the modern organization, it becomes increasingly important to streamline and automate the more basic, repetitive HR tasks and processes to free up HR professionals’ time and bandwidth. Core HR software is essential for keeping up with core HR tasks such as payroll and compliance as efficiently and effectively as possible.
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    【HR术语】什么是亲和偏见?(What is affinity bias?) 什么是亲和偏见? 亲和力偏差,也被称为相似性偏差,是人类无意识地倾向于其他具有相似背景、兴趣和信仰的人的一种倾向。虽然我们可能会认为自己会根据他人的性格来有意识地选择与之相处,但事实上,我们在选择自己喜欢的人和希望与之相处的人时,并不善于保持客观。更多时候,人们倾向于亲近他人,只是因为他们会让自己联想到自己。 是什么导致了亲和力偏见? 我们可能会倾向于与自己相似的人,这有几个原因。 首先,与自己相似的人在一起是一种肯定。我们更有可能听到自己的观点和想法得到回应和支持,给我们一种被肯定的感觉。 同样,亲缘偏好让我们避免与其他不同的观点发生冲突,因为我们可能会觉得接受这些观点具有挑战性。 认识到亲缘偏见本质上是一种捷径也是很有帮助的,它可以让我们的大脑跳过真正的批判性思考,简单地将 "与我相似 "与 "好 "和 "值得纳入我的生活 "联系起来,从而节省宝贵的能量。 亲和偏差的影响 不幸的是,有时捷径会让我们迷失方向,而亲缘偏好也会带来一定的负面影响。由于不自觉地倾向于与我们相似的人,我们错过了认识许多迷人的、有价值的人的机会。 我们最终会反复强化自己的观点和文化信仰。缺乏差异或挑战会导致我们无法看清自己的世界观,使我们缺乏同理心和理解力,有时甚至会对与我们 "不同 "的人产生恐惧。 招聘中的亲和偏见 亲和偏见最隐蔽、最有害的地方之一就是招聘。毕竟,招聘人员、招聘经理和人力资源领导者也难免会受到无意识偏见的影响。 因此,尽管招聘团队可能认为他们在客观地选择最佳候选人,但他们可能在不知不觉中选择了那些与他们长相和思维相似、背景相似的人。这在最好的情况下有可能造成同质化的工作场所,在最坏的情况下有可能造成非包容性、歧视性的工作场所。 亲和偏见有哪些例子? 亲缘偏见会以多种方式偷偷出现在你的思维中。例如,你可能会因为某人和你上同一所大学,就认为他受过良好教育;或者因为某人曾在你工作过的同一家公司工作过,就认为他胜任某个职位。 这种思维方式会以多种方式影响组织。工作场所亲缘偏见的一些例子包括: 聘用不符合特定职位要求的候选人 放弃值得晋升的人 领导者否定不同的新想法 忽视对员工的表扬和奖励 亲和力偏见最终会损害组织的员工、公司文化和生产力。 亲和偏见与多样性和包容性之间有什么联系? 需要考虑的一个重要问题是,亲和力偏见会如何影响贵组织的 DEI&B。因为当招聘人员和领导者总是聘用、晋升和培养与自己相似的人时,就会造成员工队伍中充斥着相同背景的人,从而破坏了多样性。这种无意识的偏见是包容性的障碍之一,它使少数群体身份的人无法在各级劳动力队伍中享有平等的代表权。 如何避免亲和偏见? 由于亲和偏见的危害性很大,人力资源领导者必须意识到并积极预防和扭转亲和偏见。有几种方法可以做到这一点: 公开谈论亲和偏见,以便人们在工作中更容易识别亲和偏见 让不同背景的多人参与招聘和晋升决策 在招聘过程中采用匿名和随机的方式 为包括 C 级、人力资源、经理和团队成员在内的所有人举办无意识偏见培训 为什么现代人力资源团队应该意识到亲和偏见? 我们无法控制作为人类自然持有的无意识偏见。但是,当这些偏见会对我们组织的文化、包容性和成功产生负面影响时,我们就有责任学习如何减少亲和偏见。采取积极措施,消除我们自己的内部偏见,最终将使决策更具战略性,工作场所更加公平。 以下为文章原文: What is affinity bias? Affinity bias, also referred to as similarity bias, is the unconscious human tendency to gravitate toward other people with similar backgrounds, interests, and beliefs. While we may think that we actively make conscious choices to surround ourselves with people based on their character, the reality is that we aren’t very good at being objective when choosing who we like and want to be around. More often than not, people tend to gravitate towards others simply because they remind them of themselves. What causes affinity bias? There are several reasons why we might gravitate toward people like us. First, being around others like ourselves is affirming. We’re more likely to hear our opinions and thoughts echoed and upheld, giving us a sense of validation. Similarly, affinity bias allows us to avoid confrontation with other, different points of view that we may find challenging to accept. It’s also helpful to realize that affinity bias is essentially a shortcut, allowing our brains to save valuable energy by skipping real critical thinking and simply associating “similar to me” with “good” and “worth including in my life.” Effects of affinity bias Unfortunately, sometimes shortcuts get us lost, and affinity bias comes with its fair share of negative impacts. By unconsciously gravitating toward people similar to us, we miss out on the opportunity to get to know many fascinating, worthwhile people. We end up reinforcing our opinions and cultural beliefs repeatedly. The lack of difference or challenge can lead to an inability to see past our own worldview, making us less empathetic and understanding and sometimes even leading to a fear of others who are “different” from us. Affinity bias in hiring One of the places where affinity bias is most insidious and harmful is in hiring. After all, recruiters, hiring managers, and HR leaders are not immune to unconscious bias. So while hiring teams may think they’re objectively choosing the best candidates, they may be picking people who look and think like them and come from similar backgrounds without even realizing it. This risks creating a homogenous workplace at best and a non-inclusive, discriminatory workplace at worst. What are some examples of affinity bias? There are many ways in which affinity bias can sneakily show up in your thinking. For example, you might assume that a person is well-educated because they went to the same university as you or that somebody is qualified for a role because they previously worked at the same company you did. This type of thinking can affect an organization in multiple ways. Some examples of affinity bias in the workplace include: Hiring candidates who are not the most qualified for a given role Passing over deserving people for promotions Leaders dismissing new, different ideas Overlooking people for praise and rewards Ultimately, affinity bias can harm your organization’s people, your company culture, and your productivity. What’s the connection between affinity bias and diversity and inclusion? One important thing to consider is how affinity bias can affect your organization’s DEI&B. Because when recruiters and leaders are always hiring, promoting, and nurturing people similar to themselves, it creates a workforce full of people of the same backgrounds, destroying diversity. This unconscious bias is one of the barriers to inclusivity that keeps people of minority identities from equal representation in the workforce on all levels. What can you do to avoid affinity bias? Because it can be so harmful, HR leaders must be aware of and actively work toward preventing and reversing affinity bias. There are several ways to do this: Speak openly about affinity bias, so people can more easily identify it at work Involve multiple people of different backgrounds in hiring and promotion decisions Introduce anonymity and randomization to the recruitment process Hold unconscious bias training for everyone, including C-levels, HR, managers, and team members Why should modern HR teams be aware of affinity bias? We can’t control the unconscious biases we naturally hold as human beings. But when they can negatively impact our organization’s culture, inclusivity, and success, it becomes our duty to learn how to mitigate affinity bias. Taking active steps toward dismantling our own internal biases will ultimately make for better, more strategic decision-making and a more equitable workplace.
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    【HR术语】什么是绩优加薪?(What is a merit increase?) 什么是绩优加薪? 绩优加薪是公司为工作成绩或业绩突出的专业人员提供的加薪。根据行业和公司的不同,绩效加薪可以是每年一次,也可以根据完成的项目进行加薪。 绩效加薪与加薪 通常情况下,公司每年或每半年为全体员工、部门或特定职位加薪一次。加薪可确保公司的薪酬具有竞争力,并与生活成本保持一致。如果员工认为自己的薪酬过低,要求加薪是完全可以接受的,但加薪并不一定与绩效挂钩。 而绩效加薪则与工作表现直接相关。企业为特定职位上的高价值专业人员提供绩效加薪,以奖励、鼓励和赞赏他们的工作效率和成就。 什么是标准的绩优加薪? 平均绩优加薪幅度约为个人当前工资的 3%。根据个人的绩效和对公司的价值,绩效加薪的幅度通常从绩效较低者的 1% 到绩效较高专业人员的 10% 不等。 了解公司如何对待绩效加薪非常重要。专业人士应在面试过程中专门讨论这个话题,以正确衡量公司的年度薪酬政策是否符合他们的期望和需求。 公司为什么要择优加薪? 公司通过绩优加薪来表彰优秀员工的成就和奉献精神。绩优加薪还可以激发每个人提高工作质量的动力,从而提高工作效率。最终,通过激励员工提高工作绩效,公司可以建立一种富有成效、以目标为导向的工作文化,并提高公司的底线。 人力资源领导者为什么要关注绩优加薪? 虽然绩效加薪肯定不是留住人才的唯一方法,但它可以起到帮助作用。通过对表现出色的员工给予额外的奖励,公司表明了对他们及其贡献的重视。因此,绩效加薪是另一种表达 "谢谢你,我们感谢你的服务 "的方式。 一个精心设计且行之有效的绩优加薪计划,奖励值得奖励的专业人员,可以提高员工的留用率、生产率和参与度。 保持高素质员工的参与度和积极性,可以最大限度地减少公司必须招聘和雇佣新人的数量,从而降低成本。此外,实施计划周密的绩效加薪制度还有助于留住为公司成功做出重大贡献的优秀团队成员。 哪些人应该获得绩效加薪? 绩效加薪并不适合所有人,这没有关系。 不是每个人都是高绩效员工。此外,在数年或数十年内额外增加 3% 至 5% 的薪酬可能代价高昂。 这就是为什么绩效加薪只适用于那些有杰出成就并直接推动业务目标实现的专业人士。 确保只有在制定了绩效加薪标准、评估了绩效考核并由高管审查了每位候选人之后,才会为员工提供绩效加薪。 如何计算绩效加薪? 要了解如何计算绩效加薪,让我们来看一个例子。 假设您为一位目前年薪为 80,000 美元并按月领取工资的员工提供 3% 的绩效加薪。 当前工资 x 绩效加薪百分比 = 年加薪 80,000 x .03 = 每年加薪 2,400 新工资/每年的工资额=新月薪 82,400 / 12= 6,866.66 美元为确保绩优加薪幅度在预算和职位薪资范围之内,人力资源领导者可以与薪酬经理合作,建立一个绩优矩阵--一个易于阅读的网格,显示准确的计算结果和有竞争力的加薪幅度。 人力资源领导者如何实施绩效加薪? 人力资源领导者可以利用这些指导原则,创建一个能促进员工参与、留住员工和提高生产力的绩效加薪制度: 考虑其他决定性因素。因为绩优加薪并不是提高员工参与度和留任率的唯一因素,所以应首先考虑其他核心人力资源因素: 员工是否拥有舒适工作所需的条件?职位是否提供工作灵活性?公司文化是否包容并接受思想多样性?是否有适当的学习和发展机会?分析完其他核心因素后,您就可以确定绩优加薪。 确定哪些人员有资格获得绩优加薪。要确定哪些职位和人员对企业的成功至关重要,就要评估找人替代该人员或担任该职位的难度。该职位或人员对公司业务目标和战略的影响有多大?在评估员工的职业价值时,应依靠来自多个渠道的数据,如频繁的绩效考核、360 度审查和人才分析。 确定标准。确保标准切合实际。在尊重工作与生活平衡的前提下,你希望这些要求能激发员工努力工作。理想情况下,标准应能激发动力,而不是失望和怨恨。 让每个人都能了解标准。将绩优加薪标准写入员工手册,并向管理人员解释,以此传达标准。这样,专业人员就能了解他们需要达到哪些基准才能获得资格。 经常进行绩效加薪。人力资源部门的领导者可以全年提供绩效加薪,这样,每当员工达到既定目标时,人力资源部门就可以通过有竞争力、有预算的绩效加薪来奖励他们的表现,从而促进员工的参与度和工作效率。 采取综合方法。仅仅依靠绩效加薪并不能达到提高员工敬业度、生产率和留任率的预期效果。然而,将绩优加薪落实到尊重和欣赏员工、提供有竞争力的基本工资以及拥有能够指导员工的经理人的企业文化中,才是企业成功的基础。 为什么绩优加薪应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 绩优加薪是人力资源专业人士用来留住人才和提高生产力的绝佳工具。一家公司认可并奖励员工的成就和表现,就表明它欣赏员工及其贡献。如果将绩效加薪纳入员工福利的综合方法中,就能帮助专业人员保持热情和参与度。 以下为文章原文: What is a merit increase? A merit increase is a salary raise companies offer professionals for outstanding work achievements or performance. Depending on the industry and company, merit increases may be provided annually or based on the projects completed. Merit increase vs. pay raise Typically, companies offer pay raises annually or biannually for the entire workforce, department, or specific positions. Pay raises ensure that a company’s salaries are competitive and align with the cost of living. While it’s completely acceptable for people to ask for a raise if they think they’re underpaid, raises aren’t necessarily connected to performance. Merit increases, on the other hand, are directly related to work performance. Businesses offer merit increases to highly valuable professionals in specific positions to reward, encourage, and show appreciation for productivity and accomplishments. What is a standard merit increase? The average merit increase stands at about 3 percent of a person’s current salary. Depending on the person’s performance and value to the company, merit increases typically range anywhere from 1 percent for lower performers to 10 percent for high-performance professionals. Understanding how companies treat merit increases is important. Professionals should address this topic specifically during the interview process to properly gauge whether a company’s annual compensation policies match their expectations and needs. Why do companies give merit increases? Companies incorporate merit increases to recognize top performers’ achievements and dedication. Merit increases can also spur increased workplace productivity by igniting everyone’s drive to improve work quality. Ultimately, by providing an incentive to elevate work performance, the company can build a productive, goal-oriented work culture and increase its bottom line. Why should HR leaders care about merit increases? While merit increases definitely aren’t the only way to retain talent, they can help. By rewarding high-performers with extra compensation, the company demonstrates that it values them and their contributions. Thus, merit increases are another way to say “thank you, we appreciate your service.” A well-designed and effective merit increase program that rewards deserving professionals can boost employee retention, productivity, and engagement. Keeping high-quality employees engaged and motivated can minimize the number of new people a company must recruit and hire, thus reducing costs. Moreover, implementing a well-planned merit increase system can help retain stellar team members who significantly contribute to the company’s success. Who should get a merit increase? Merit increases aren’t for everyone, and that’s okay. Not everyone is a high-performance worker. Furthermore, paying an extra 3-5 percent compensation increase over several years or decades can be costly. That’s why merit increases are intended only for professionals with outstanding achievements who directly drive business goals. Make sure you offer merit increases to people only after undergoing a process of establishing merit increase criteria, evaluating performance reviews, and having executives review each candidate. How do you calculate a merit increase? To understand how to calculate a merit increase, let’s take a look at an example. Say you offer a 3 percent merit increase to someone who currently earns $80,000 annually and receives a monthly paycheck. Current salary x merit increase percent = annual raise 80,000 x .03 = 2,400 annual raise New salary/amount of paychecks per year = new monthly salary 82,400 / 12= $6,866.66To ensure that the merit increase is within budget and the position’s salary range, HR leaders can collaborate with compensation managers to build a merit matrix–an easy-to-read grid that displays accurate calculations and competitive salary increases. What can HR leaders do to implement merit increases? HR leaders can create a merit increase system that promotes employee engagement, retention, and productivity using these guidelines: Look at other determining factors. Because merit increases aren’t the only components involved in driving engagement and retention, consider other central HR factors first: Do people have what they need to work comfortably? Does the position offer work flexibility? Is the company culture inclusive and accepting of thought diversity? Are there appropriate learning and development opportunities? Once you’ve analyzed the other core factors, you can home in on the merit increase. Determine what qualifies people for a merit increase. To identify which positions and people are vital to business success, evaluate how difficult it is to find someone to replace that person or fill that role. How much does this position or person impact the company’s business goals and strategy? When assessing peoples’ professional worth, rely on data from several channels such as frequent performance reviews, 360-degree reviews, and talent analytics. Define the criteria. Make sure the criteria are realistic. You want the requirements to spark hard work while still respecting work-life balance. The criteria ideally should stimulate motivation rather than disappointment and resentment. Make the criteria accessible to everyone. Communicate the merit increase criteria by including it in the employee handbook and explaining it to managers. This way, professionals can understand which benchmarks they need to reach to qualify. Offer frequent merit increases. HR leaders can provide merit increases throughout the year so that every time an employee reaches a set goal, HR can reward them for their performance with a competitive, budgeted merit increase that drives engagement and productivity. Take a holistic approach. Relying on merit increases alone won’t create the desired results of increased employee engagement, productivity, and retention. However, implementing merit increases into a company culture that respects and appreciates its people, offers competitive base salaries, and boasts managers who can coach and mentor their people is the foundation of business success. Why should merit increases be part of modern HR strategy? Merit increases are great tools HR professionals can use to boost retention and productivity. A company that recognizes and rewards peoples’ achievements and performances shows that it appreciates its people and their contributions. When incorporated into a comprehensive approach towards employee wellbeing, merit increases can help keep professionals enthusiastic and engaged.
  • 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是薪酬管理?(What is compensation management?) 什么是薪酬管理? 薪酬管理是管理、分析和确定每位员工的薪酬、奖励和福利的过程。薪酬管理是任何人才管理和保留战略的重要组成部分。创造性的薪酬包括货币和非货币福利,公司可以利用这些福利来提高员工的参与度和工作效率、减少人员流失并吸引顶尖人才。 薪酬管理者的目标是在公司预算范围内提供广泛且具有竞争力的薪酬计划,从而吸引、留住并吸引员工。 薪酬管理确保员工根据以下因素获得合理的薪酬: 工作表现 职位 职责 工作经验 工作市场 公司预算 人力资源领导为什么要关注薪酬管理? 有效的薪酬管理对雇主和员工都有好处。专业人员如果能获得合理的基本工资、丰厚的福利和奖励,就更有可能留在自己的工作岗位上,并保持较高的绩效水平和士气。 有效的薪酬管理能促进员工的参与度,从而推动公司取得成功。 薪酬的主要类型有哪些? 薪酬不仅仅包括基本工资。完整的薪酬方案包括各种直接和间接的薪酬类型。 直接薪酬的四种类型是: 小时工资 工资 佣金 奖金 还有间接薪酬,包括为人们提供价值的任何东西,如: 退休福利 保险(医疗、牙科、人寿等) 带薪休假 利润分配和股票期权 学费补助以及学习和发展机会 托儿补助 健身房会员卡 搬迁费用 免费食物、办公室健身房、活动等福利 如何确定薪酬? 决定为任何特定人员提供的具体薪酬方案的因素很多,包括与公司所在地和市场有关的外部因素,以及与职位和候选人有关的具体因素。计算薪酬的一些考虑因素包括: 公司的支付能力 该地区类似职位的典型薪酬范围 竞争对手的薪酬水平 当地的生活成本 职位--如果是高技能工作,可能需要更高的报酬 应聘者、他们的资历以及他们的薪酬预期 是否适合使用激励性薪酬管理,这是一种通常用于销售职位的薪酬类型,其中个人的薪酬与业绩成果挂钩 人力资源领导者如何确保有效的薪酬管理? 人力资源领导者可以通过以下方法指导薪酬管理部门制定和实施成功的薪酬计划: 制定并应用薪酬理念。薪酬理念正式记录了公司在工资、奖金和福利方面的政策。它还体现了公司对透明度的承诺。始终坚持薪酬理念,可以向员工和求职者展示公司的诚信。 解释薪酬计划。人力资源部门可以向应聘者和新员工说明薪酬计划的组成部分,帮助吸引和留住一流人才。 设计稳健的薪酬战略。人力资源领导者可与管理人员和专家合作,提供全面的薪酬计划和丰厚的福利,以提高员工的生活质量。 评估结果。汲取经验总是有帮助的。人力资源领导者可以通过薪酬记分卡分析薪酬管理的结果,了解哪些有效,哪些无效,从而提高薪酬管理的效率。 薪酬管理软件 薪酬管理软件是近年来大受欢迎的一种工具。该软件用于帮助人力资源专业人员管理、计算和组织薪酬数据。薪酬管理软件具有多种功能,对于希望简化和优化薪酬管理流程的组织而言,这些功能具有很高的价值,其中包括: 存储所有有关薪酬、任期和绩效的最新数据,供所有利益相关者(人力资源、财务、C 级和管理人员)使用 改进薪酬决策的工具和数据规划和管理薪酬审查的工具 奖金和股权分配 通过本地化货币视图和本地薪资基准进行国际货币管理 薪酬管理点解决方案与人力资源信息系统 正如您所看到的,薪酬管理软件提供了许多有用的功能,对参与薪酬决策和管理的专业人员和团队非常有用。但是,它属于点解决方案,也就是说,它是一种可以帮助解决单一问题的工具。这意味着它的实用性有限。 而人力资源信息系统(HRIS)等平台解决方案则可为人力资源团队处理的各种问题提供多种解决方案。人力资源信息系统不仅能帮助管理薪酬,还能帮助管理绩效、工资、考勤等。 从根本上说,你可以把人力资源信息系统和点解决方案看作是瑞士军刀和简单的镊子。二者都很有用,但由于一个具有多种功能,因此能够提供比另一个更多的价值。因此,如果你的企业需要在整个员工生命周期的流程优化和自动化方面得到帮助,人力资源信息系统可能正是你要找的东西。 为什么薪酬管理规划应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 薪酬管理可确保雇主和员工的财务成功和福利,让双方都感到满意。将薪酬管理纳入公司的人力资源战略,有助于组织以市场范围内的薪酬、应得的奖金和激励措施奖励员工,改善员工的生活方式。它还能让雇主向员工表达他们的感激之情。 赏识对员工的积极性和参与感大有裨益。它还能激励员工通过提高生产率和工作质量来回报雇主。所有这一切都会促成一种由快乐和热情的员工组成的公司文化。 以下为文章原文: What is compensation management? Compensation management is the process of managing, analyzing, and determining the salary, incentives, and benefits each employee receives. Compensation management is a crucial part of any talent management and retention strategy. Creative compensation includes monetary and non-monetary benefits companies can employ to boost engagement and productivity, reduce attrition, and attract top talent. Compensation managers aim to attract, retain, and engage employees by offering broad and competitive compensation plans within the company budget. Compensation management ensures that people get paid a fair salary based on: Work performance Position Responsibilities Experience Job market Company budget Why should HR leaders care about compensation management? Effective compensation management benefits both the employer and the employee. Professionals who receive a fair base salary, generous benefits, and incentives in return for their work are much more likely to stay at their job and maintain a high performance level and morale. Effective compensation management fuels employee engagement and thereby leads to company success. What are the main types of compensation? Compensation includes far more than just a base salary. The full compensation package includes a variety of compensation types, both direct and indirect. The four types of direct compensation are: Hourly pay Salary Commission Bonuses There is also indirect compensation, which includes anything that provides people value such as: Retirement benefits Insurance (medical, dental, life, etc.) Paid time-off Profit-sharing distributions and stock options Tuition assistance and learning and development offerings Childcare assistance Gym memberships Relocation expenses Perks such as free food, an office gym, events, and so on How is compensation determined? Many factors go into determining the specific compensation package offered to any given person, including external factors relating to the company’s location and market as well as factors relating specifically to the role and the candidate in question. Some considerations that go into calculating compensation include: What the company can afford to pay Typical salary range for similar roles in the region How much competitors are paying The local cost of living The role—if it is a highly-skilled job, it may require higher compensation The candidate, their qualifications, and their compensation expectations Whether or not it is appropriate to use incentive compensation management, which is a type of compensation usually used for sales roles in which the person’s compensation is tied to their performance outcomes What can HR leaders do to ensure effective compensation management? HR leaders can guide compensation management towards building and implementing successful compensation plans with these methods: Develop and apply a compensation philosophy. A compensation philosophy formally documents the company policies regarding salaries, bonuses, and benefits. It also demonstrates a company’s commitment to transparency. Consistently adhering to a compensation philosophy demonstrates company integrity to employees and job candidates. Explain the compensation plan. HR can clarify the components of the compensation plan to candidates and new joiners, helping to attract and retain top-notch talent. Design a robust compensation strategy. HR leaders can collaborate with managers and specialists to offer all-inclusive compensation plans as well as generous benefits to improve their people’s quality of life. Assess the results. It’s always helpful to learn from experience. HR leaders can analyze the results of compensation management to see what’s working and what isn’t through a compensation scorecard, which can improve the efficacy of compensation management. Compensation management software One tool that has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years is compensation management software. This software is used to help HR professionals manage, calculate, and organize compensation data. Compensation management software has several features that can make it highly valuable to organizations looking to streamline and optimize their compensation management processes, including: Storing all updated data on salary, tenure, and performance for all relevant stakeholders (HR, finance, C-levels, and managers) to access Tools and data to improve salary decision-making Tools for planning and managing salary reviews Bonus and equity allocation International currency management with localized currency views and local salary benchmarks Compensation management point solutions vs HRIS As you can see, compensation management software offers many helpful features, making it highly useful to professionals and teams involved in compensation decision-making and management. However, it qualifies as a point solution, meaning it’s a tool that can help with a single problem. This means that its utility is limited. The alternative is a platform solution like an HRIS which offers multiple solutions for a variety of problems that an HR team deals with. Rather than only helping with compensation management, an HRIS can also help with things like performance management, payroll, time and attendance, and more. Essentially, you can think of HRIS vs point solutions as a Swiss army knife vs a simple pair of tweezers. Both are useful, but one is able to offer more value than the other because of its multiple functions. So if your organization could use help with optimizing and automating processes across the entire employee lifecycle, an HRIS may be just the thing you’re looking for. Why should compensation management planning be a part of modern HR strategy? Compensation management ensures the financial success and wellbeing of employers and employees and makes both happy. Integrating compensation management into a company’s HR strategy helps organizations reward their people with market-range salaries, well-deserved bonuses, and incentives to improve their people’s lifestyles. It also allows employers to show their people that they appreciate them. Appreciation goes a long way towards making people feel motivated and engaged. It can also inspire people to give back to their employer through increased productivity and high-quality work. All of this leads to a company culture made of happy and enthusiastic people.
  • 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是季节性就业?(What is seasonal employment?) 什么是季节性就业? 季节性就业是一种在一年中的特定时期工作的临时就业。它通常是兼职,但也有全职的季节性职位。只在一年中某些时间营业的企业,如夏令营,会雇用季节性员工。其他雇用季节性员工的公司还包括那些在节假日等高峰期需要额外帮助的公司。 季节性工作的时间有多长? 季节性工作的确切持续时间取决于各种因素,包括雇主、行业、地点和时间。工作时间从几周到几个月不等。但是,季节性工作绝不包括全年性的职位。 季节性用工对雇主有什么好处,人力资源领导为什么要关注它? 季节性用工对雇主和员工都有好处。一年中部分时间劳动力需求较高的组织可以只在需要时才在工资单上安排人员,从而节省成本。 季节性用工对员工有什么好处? 对于苦于找不到全职工作的人或需要额外收入的人来说,季节性用工是一个不错的选择。季节性用工还可以为职场新人提供一个踏入职场、积累经验并向可能长期雇用他们的雇主证明自己的途径。 人力资源领导该如何管理季节性用工? 了解包括季节性员工在内的不同员工类型的好处,有助于人力资源领导者正确聘用、管理和补偿季节性员工。因此,人力资源领导者应熟悉《公平劳动标准法案》关于季节性员工的指导方针和相关标准: 公司必须至少向季节性员工支付联邦最低工资或当地最低工资,以较高者为准。 每周工作超过 40 小时的季节性员工有权获得正常工资 1.5 倍的加班费。 14 和 15 岁的儿童只能在允许的职业中从事有限的工作时间。16 岁和 17 岁的儿童不得从事劳工部长规定的危险职业。 季节性员工与其他类型的员工一样,必须遵守预扣税法。 此外,各组织的季节性用工政策和协议应明确传达以下信息 季节性员工是兼职还是全职 季节性工人有资格享受哪些福利(如果有的话) 季节性用工何时结束 企业如何与季节性员工一起维护企业文化? 尽管季节性员工可能只在一年中的特定时期工作,但重要的是要让他们知道,他们和全职员工一样都是团队的一员。 与季节性员工建立并保持良好的关系至关重要。首先要为他们提供良好的入职体验和所有应得的福利,再加上一些额外的津贴,让他们从入职的第一天起就感觉到自己是团队的一员,受到欢迎和重视。 这些积极的经历将激励他们年复一年地回来,并对贵公司赞不绝口,从而有助于未来的招聘和公司品牌推广工作。 为什么季节性用工应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 现代组织非常灵活,了解非传统工作安排有时可能是满足其需求的最佳方式。现代人力资源专业人员需要对雇用季节性员工和其他类型的员工持开放态度,以支持业务灵活性并满足公司不断变化的需求。 以下为文章原文: What is seasonal employment? . Seasonal employment is a type of temporary employment in which the person works during certain times of the year. It is typically part-time, but there are also full-time, seasonal positions. Businesses that open only during certain parts of the year, like summer camps, hire seasonal employees. Other examples of companies that hire seasonal employees are those that need extra help during peak times, such as the holiday season. How long is seasonal employment? The exact length of time a seasonal job lasts depends on various factors, including the employer, the industry, the location, and the time of year. Jobs may range from a few weeks to multiple months. However, they will never include year-round positions. How does seasonal employment benefit employers, and why should HR leaders care about it? Seasonal employment has benefits for both employers and employees. Organizations with higher labor needs during part of the year can save costs by only having people on the payroll when they are needed. How does seasonal employment benefit employees? Seasonal employment is a good option for people struggling to find a full-time job or people who need a little extra income. It can also give workforce newcomers a way to get their foot in the door, gain experience, and prove themselves to an employer that might hire them permanently. What can HR leaders do to manage seasonal employment? Understanding the benefits of different employee types, including seasonal employees, can help HR leaders properly hire, manage, and compensate seasonal employees. As such, HR leaders should be familiar with the Fair Labor Standards Act’s guidelines about seasonal employees and relevant standards: Companies must pay seasonal employees at least the federal minimum wage or the local minimum wage, whichever is higher. Seasonal employees who work more than 40 hours a week are entitled to overtime pay at 1.5 times their regular pay. Children ages 14 and 15 can only work limited hours in permitted occupations. 16- and 17-year-olds are not permitted to work in hazardous occupations as defined by the Secretary of Labor. Seasonal employees are subject to the same tax withholding laws as other employee types. Additionally, each organization’s seasonal employment policy and agreements should clearly communicate information such as: Whether the seasonal worker is part-time or full-time What benefits the seasonal worker is eligible for, if any When seasonal employment ends How can companies maintain their company culture with seasonal employees? Even though seasonal employees may only work during specific times of the year, it’s important to let them know they’re just as much a part of the team as their full-time counterparts. Building and maintaining good relationships with your seasonal employees is vital. It starts with giving them an excellent onboarding experience and all the benefits they’re entitled to–plus some extra perks to make them feel welcome, valued, and part of the larger team from their first day. These positive experiences will motivate them to come back year after year and talk up your company, helping with future recruitment and company branding efforts. Why should seasonal employment be a part of modern HR strategy? The modern organization is flexible and understands that non-traditional work arrangements may sometimes be the best way to meet its needs. Modern HR professionals need to be open to hiring seasonal employees and other employee types to support business agility and meet companies’ evolving needs.
  • 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是员工价值主张(EVP)?(What is an employee value proposition (EVP)?) 什么是员工价值主张(EVP)? 员工价值主张,又称 EVP,是员工在工作场所的表现所换取的所有福利和奖励的总和。从本质上讲,它就是作为雇主,你能为员工的技能、经验和能力提供哪些回报。 员工价值主张是任何雇主品牌的重要组成部分,它展示了企业能为潜在团队成员提供的独特价值。 员工价值主张由哪些部分组成? 员工价值主张由五个要素组成,包括: 薪酬: 这一要素包括薪资以及整个福利方案,包括保险、退休、奖金、学费报销、健康计划和任何其他福利。它还包括您按时支付薪酬、适当加薪以及公平补偿所有人的能力。 工作与生活的平衡: 这包括灵活的工作时间、在家办公、休假时间、PTO 政策和带薪育儿假。 稳定性: 这指的是贵组织确保员工了解其工作安全并帮助他们成长和发展的能力。这包括指导、辅导、培训、学习和发展。 地点: 这是关于您所提供的工作环境,既包括实际的、物理意义上的,也包括更形象的。 尊重: 这一要素指的是公司文化、组织价值观、管理、团队合作、信任等。 为什么需要员工价值主张? 您的员工价值主张最终决定了您吸引和聘用的人才对您品牌的看法。它可以将你与竞争对手区分开来,帮助鼓励人们选择为你而不是其他公司工作。在当今竞争激烈的环境中,这一点至关重要,因为正是人才最终决定了企业的发展和成功能力。 特别是,如果你从事的是竞争激烈的高科技行业或其他类似行业,你可以利用你的 EVP 来吸引科技人才。 员工价值主张有哪些例子? 为了帮助你学习如何创建一个引人注目的员工价值主张,以下是一些公司的例子。 联合利华: 正如联合利华欧洲区全球人才吸引和品牌主管 Anuradha Razdan 所说:"我们价值主张的核心是培养领导者。我们为联合利华培养领导人才,而联合利华的领导人才也会成为世界其他地方的领导人才。联合利华的价值主张非常注重稳定性,这对那些有兴趣在与鼓舞人心的员工一起工作的过程中不断成长,以改善人们生活为目标的求职者来说极具吸引力。 Trader Joe's:Trader Joe's是公认的最佳零售雇主之一,它的EVP强调学习和成长机会、公平的福利(如每年两次的审查,每年可能加薪7%到10%),以及灵活、多样化和善于沟通的企业文化,从而赢得了人们的忠诚。 贝恩公司: 这家咨询公司在 Glassdoor "最佳工作场所 "排行榜上名列第一,他们的 EVP 有几项令人难忘的福利,包括外部实习机会、全球调动、育儿假、请假、弹性工作时间以及两个月的休假机会。 如何衡量员工价值主张? 您可以查看一些关键绩效指标来衡量您的 EVP 在帮助您吸引、聘用和留住人才方面的效果,其中包括: 保留率 流失率 每次招聘成本 申请人数 员工净促进得分 Glassdoor 等网站上的排名和评分 员工推荐 如何制定员工价值主张? 现在您已经熟悉了什么是 EVP,下一步就是学习如何为您的组织制定 EVP。我们建议采取以下步骤: 进行审核: 审视您当前的品牌形象。您是如何与人才沟通并吸引人才的?你们的薪酬福利、企业文化或工作环境有什么特别之处? 征求反馈意见: 你能从在职和离职员工那里收集到一些最有价值的信息。利用调查、内部焦点小组和离职访谈来询问 是什么吸引了你的员工申请为你工作? 是什么让他们选择你而不是其他公司? 员工喜欢与你共事的哪些方面? 如何改进为员工提供的服务? 确定包含在你的 EVP 中的关键点:利用你收集到的信息,列出你作为一个优秀雇主的与众不同之处。 起草你的 EVP:现在,你已经准备好撰写 EVP 了,重点是你能为理想候选人提供什么。目标是使用清晰、独特和鼓舞人心的语言。 评估您的 EVP:您的 EVP 不一定是一成不变的。利用我们上面提到的关键绩效指标,定期重新审视您的 EVP,看看是否可以加以改进。 为什么 EVP 应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 吸引、聘用和留住顶尖人才的能力是企业能否取得成功的关键。令人信服、独一无二的 EVP 是寻找和聘用最优秀人才的重要工具。 以下为文章原文: What is an employee value proposition (EVP)? An employee value proposition, also called EVP, is the sum of all the benefits and rewards people receive in exchange for performance in the workplace. It’s essentially what you, as an employer, can offer in return for a person’s skills, experience, and abilities. EVP is a major part of any employer brand, showing the unique value your organization can offer to potential team members. What components make up an employee value proposition? An EVP is made up of five elements, including: Compensation: This element includes salary as well as the entirety of your benefits package, including insurance, retirement, bonuses, tuition reimbursement, wellness programs, and any other perks. It also includes your ability to offer pay on a timely schedule, give appropriate raises, and compensate all people fairly. Work-life balance: This includes flexible hours, work from home, vacation time, PTO policy, and paid parental leave. Stability: This refers to your organization’s ability to ensure people know their job is safe and to help them grow and develop. It includes things like mentoring, coaching, training, learning, and development. Location: This is all about the work environment you offer, both in a literal, physical sense and a more figurative one. Respect: This element refers to your company culture, your organization’s values, your management, teamwork, trust, and so on. Why do you need an employee value proposition? Your EVP ultimately defines how the talent you attract and hire perceives your brand. It can differentiate you from your competitors and help encourage people to choose to work for you instead of another company. In today’s competitive climate, this is essential because it is your talent that ultimately determines your organization’s ability to grow and succeed. In particular, you can use your EVP to attract tech talent if you work in the notoriously competitive high-tech industry or others like it. What are some examples of an employee value proposition? To help you learn how to create a compelling employee value proposition, here are a few examples of companies who have theirs dialed in. Unilever: As Anuradha Razdan, Unilever’s head of global talent attraction and brand, Europe, explains, “At the heart of our value proposition is that we build leaders. We develop leaders for Unilever, and Unilever leaders go on to be leaders elsewhere in the world.” This strong focus on the stability element of EVP is highly appealing to candidates interested in growing while working with inspiring people toward the goal of improving people’s lives. Trader Joe’s: Widely recognized as one of the best retail employers, Trader Joe’s wins people’s loyalty with an EVP emphasizing learning and growth opportunities, fair benefits (such as their bi-annual reviews with potential for a seven to 10 percent pay increase each year), and a flexible, diverse, and communicative culture. Bain & Company: Ranked first on Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work list, this consulting company has several memorable perks in their EVP, including externship opportunities, global transfers, parental leave, leaves of absence, flextime, and an opportunity to take two months off. How can you measure your employee value proposition? There are a few KPIs you can look at to measure how effective your EVP is at helping you attract, hire, and retain talent, including: Retention rate Attrition rate Cost per hire Number of applicants Employee net promoter score Rankings and scores on websites such as Glassdoor Employee referrals How can you develop an employee value proposition? Now that you’re familiar with what an EVP is, the next step is learning how to develop one for your organization. We recommend taking the following steps: Perform an audit: Look at your current brand identity. How do you communicate with and try to attract talent? What’s special about your compensation package, culture, or work environment? Ask for feedback: Some of the most valuable information you’ll be able to gather will be from current and former employees. Use surveys, internal focus groups, and exit interviews to ask: What attracted your people to apply to work for you? What made them choose you over other companies? What do people love about working with you? How could you improve what you offer people? Define critical points to include in your EVP: Using the information you’ve gathered, make a list of the things that make you stand apart as a great employer. Draft your EVP: Now you’re ready to write an EVP focusing on what you can offer your ideal candidate. Aim to use language that’s clear, unique, and inspirational. Evaluate your EVP: Your EVP doesn’t have to be static. Use the KPIs we mentioned above to revisit your EVP regularly to see if you can improve it. Why should EVP be a part of modern HR strategy? Your ability to attract, hire, and retain top talent is key to your organization’s capacity to succeed. A compelling, unique EVP is a critical tool in the effort to find and employ the best people.