• 考虑目标
    【HR术语】什么是公司的核心价值观?(What are core company values?) 什么是公司的核心价值观? 公司核心价值观是指导公司不断优先考虑其使命、愿景和目标的主要原则。从首席执行官到成功的客户服务代表,核心价值观是每个人的锚,引导他们做出一致的、以目标为导向的决策。 为什么核心价值观对公司很重要? 确立核心价值观似乎是一种不必要的形式。但核心价值观是公司身份、精神、文化和品牌的源泉。 核心价值观以一种核心的、基本的理念将不同部门团结在一起。虽然每个部门可能都有特定的目标和优先事项,但核心价值观将所有部门整合为一个具有凝聚力的整体。 人体的核心支撑并稳定臀部、腹部和背部的肌肉,使站立、行走、弯腰等简单动作或空翻、回旋等高难度动作成为可能。 公司的核心价值观也有类似的作用,可以让公司作为一个统一的整体发挥作用,做出简单和复杂的决策,朝着目标前进,建立强大的企业文化,实现业务增长和成功。 公司应该有多少核心价值观? 过多的核心价值观会导致概念模糊,鱼龙混杂。取而代之的是,把你的想法缩减到五到十个核心价值观。优先考虑基本的核心价值观,可以为每个人提供清晰的方向。 公司核心价值观有哪些好的范例? 公司核心价值观应准确、全面地反映公司独特的使命、愿景和目标。让我们来看两个公司核心价值观的例子。 成长于我们所经历的一切 打造卓越 以我为主,赢在我们 我们说到做到 互动透明公开 相互信任、相互支持 换位思考 礼貌 蓬勃发展 工匠精神 嬉戏 团结 如何为公司创建核心价值观? 可以通过研究其他公司的核心价值观来点燃头脑风暴。但是,当需要撰写自己的核心价值观时,请向内审视自己的公司和员工。 确立核心价值观就像剥洋葱: 通过回答一些基本问题,你可以剥开一层层的洋葱,找到公司的核心价值。以下几个问题可以帮助团队发现并确定公司的核心价值观。 贵公司提供什么?为什么? 是什么促使你创办公司? 你的个人价值观是什么,它们如何与你的企业价值观保持一致并为之提供支持? 想象一下您的目标客户。他们欣赏什么价值观,希望从贵公司获得什么? 专业人员需要具备哪些价值观才能在公司发展壮大并帮助公司发展壮大? 您希望求职者具备哪些价值观? 为什么公司核心价值观应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 如今,人们寻找的不仅仅是一份能赚钱的工作。他们希望实现自己的潜能和目标。通过建立和坚持核心价值观,公司可以确定自己的身份,从而吸引和吸引那些寻求更有意义工作体验的人。 以下为文章原文: What are core company values? Core company values are the main principles that guide companies in continuously prioritizing their mission, vision, and goals. Core values serve as an anchor for everyone, from CEOs to customer service success reps, steering them to make aligned, goal-oriented decisions. Why are core values important to a company? Establishing core values may seem like an unnecessary formality. But core values are the source of a company’s identity, ethos, culture, and brand. Core values unite the different departments with a central, underlying philosophy. While each department may have specific objectives and priorities, core values integrate all departments into one cohesive body. The human body’s core supports and stabilizes the hip, stomach, and back muscles, enabling simple movements such as standing, walking, and bending or challenging ones like flips or pirouettes. A company’s core values have a similar purpose, allowing the company to function as a unified body, make simple and complex decisions, progress towards goals, establish a strong culture, and achieve business growth and success. How many core values should a company have? Too many core values result in a mixed salad of vague concepts. Instead, trim down your ideas to five to ten core values. Prioritizing the essential core values provides everyone with clarity and direction. What are some good examples of core company values? Core company values should accurately and holistically reflect the company’s unique mission, vision, and goals. Let’s take a look at two examples of core company values. HiBob: Grow to what we go through Build the exceptional Bring me, win as we We do what we say Interact with transparency and openness Trust and empower each other Slack: Empathy Courtesy Thriving Craftsmanship Playfulness Solidarity How can you create core values for your company? It’s okay to ignite the brainstorming process by studying other companies’ core values. But when it’s time to write your own, look inwards to your company and people. Establishing core values is like peeling an onion: By answering some essential questions, you can peel off the layers to get to the core of what your company is all about. Here are several questions to help teams discover and define their core company values. What does your company offer? Why? What drove you to start your company? What are your personal values, and how do they align and support your business values? Imagine your targeted customer. What values do they appreciate, and what do they want to receive from your company? What values do professionals need to thrive in the company and help it thrive? What values do you look for in job candidates? Why should core company values be part of modern HR strategy? Today, people are looking for more than just a job that pays. They’re looking to fulfill their potential and purpose. By establishing and adhering to core values, companies can define their identity and thus attract and engage people looking for a more meaningful work experience.