• Josh Bersin
    HRTech全球论坛在美国旧金山圆满落幕!HRTechChina带您一起来了解全球人力资源科技发展! 2017年6月14-15日HRTech全球论坛在美国旧金山隆重举办! 此次论坛邀请到了全球领先企业的CEO和人力资源总监作为此次活动的嘉宾,以及邀请到全球最优秀企业的投资者与媒体人来到现场。总计共有一百多位嘉宾来到活动现场分享精彩演讲。 在这100多位演讲嘉宾中,有来自领英首席人力资源官兼全球人才组织高级副总裁Pat Wadors、思科首席人力馆兼高级副总裁Francine Katsoudas、来自卡内基梅隆大学的杰出研究者兼教授Vivek Wadhwa、阿迪达斯首席人力资源官兼执行委员会会员Karen Parkin、通用汽车公司首席人才官Michael Arena等。 在这成立的5年间,HR Tech World已经由400位参会者,发展到6000人的规模。而在2017年HR Tech World更是达到了全球性规模,多达3个参会地点,并有来自120国家的参会者前来参加! 此次大会涉及“创新的成功经验”,“HR软件市场的自我改造”,“数字框架战略是如何改变文化以及观念的”,“新时期改革创新的繁荣盛况”,“第四次转型”,“你是如何塑造未来的?”等主题。 此次论坛由SAP、workday、ADP、CrossKnowledge、Adobe、Avature、NGA、SmartRecruiters等60多家供应商提供大会支持。 预告:此后还将于2017年10月24-25日在阿姆斯特丹,以及2018年03月20-21日在伦敦举办更多活动,欢迎您和HRTechChina一起持续关注,直击现场,也欢迎您届时参加。 此外据了解,大家都普遍点赞欣赏Bersin创始人Josh Bersin的演讲,HRTechChina也特此联系了Josh Bersin先生并拿到了他的演讲PPT,以下为部分内容一览(想要获取他的演讲PPT,您可以关注HRTechChina公众号并回复关键词“PPT”)   以下为部分PPT节选,原PPT有60多页哦,都是干货,HRTechChina独家一手资源: HR软件市场的自我改造 新一代绩效管理工具 企业学习的新方法 从视频中获取数据 整合的方法是关键   更多HRTechChina全球论坛现场精彩直击:     关于HRTechChina: HRTechChina 是中国领先的专注人力资源科技的首家媒体平台。 HRTechChina核心报道中国人力资源科技创新企业及产品信息,关注并实时分享全球的人力资源科技资讯。同时,以原创角度独家报道人力资源科技公司和创业公司;每月关注并独家发布人力资源科技投融资数据及报告,业已成为人力资源科技领域创业者以及行业精英获取全球人力资源科技行业资讯和动态的主要渠道。 HRTechChina举办规模盛大的HRTech中国人力资源科技论坛培训和诸多的活动形式,促动人力资源科技行业的交流;举办CEO硅谷创新参访论坛等,引领中国人力资源科技公司,创业者,行业精英等与国外最火热的HRTech创业者及公司沟通交流;HRTechChina同时关注创业项目和投融资服务,为双方搭建桥梁。 HRTechChina也拥有独立的网站,微信公众号,社交媒体账号(微博、Twitter、Facebook、Linkedin)等渠道,线上线下多途径全方位分享最新最权威的人力资源科技行业资讯和发展动态。 HRTechChina并且与世界其他知名人力资源科技组织有着密切的合作与交流。HRTechChina的受众不仅来自于全国各地,专访报道更推送至全球,也得到了为数众多的国外人力资源科技领域精英的关注,共同致力于中国人力资源科技的进步和发展。   联系我们 上海总部:上海市浦东新区商城路660号乐凯大厦1013室 电话:021—31266618 微信:HRTechChina 网站:www.hrtechchina.com 邮件地址:service@hrtechchina.com
    Josh Bersin
  • Josh Bersin
    2017年9大你不得不看的人力资源科技趋势 引言:人力资源科技正在经历十年来最动荡的时期,从云端到移动端的转变,人工智能的大爆发,现在的一切都在改变,自然传统人力资源也已经过时。随着时代的发展和人力资源行业的重塑,作为HR的领航者你需要以下9大人力资源科技趋势来领航。 HR technology is undergoing one of the most disruptive periods it has seen in a decade. Investors, seeking the next big thing in breakthrough technology, plunged more than $2 billion into HR tech systems and platforms in 2016, according to CB Insights, a venture capital database. While investment to date is on track for a slight decline from last year, deal activity in HR tech has grown consistently in the last 5 years and at the current rate is expected to increase more than 15 percent over 2015. This amazing investment growth—much of it spent on integrated human resource management system (HRMS) platforms for midsize companies—illustrates the industry’s volatility. That instability is being driven by the shift from cloud to mobile; the explosion in analytics and artificial intelligence; and the emergence of video, social recruiting and wearables in the workplace. Everything is changing, and quickly—including the types of technology HR professionals use, the experiences those systems deliver and the underlying software designs—making many of the traditional HR systems purchased only a decade ago seem out of date. With these developments and more reshaping HR, business leaders would be wise to understand the following nine technology trends that will shape the year ahead and beyond. 1. The Performance Management Revolution For almost five years, companies have been throwing away ratings, adding check-ins, developing agile goal systems, and making performance management much more data-driven and team-oriented. But there have been almost no tools in the market to automate this—until now. Today, there are at least a dozen companies selling cloud-based, team-centric performance management applications that connect to HR management or enterprise resource planning systems, many of which: Manage performance by team, rather than only by hierarchy. Allow for dynamic team management—that is, the ability to create and change teams quickly. Make goals transparent and easy to change and track. Feature check-in mechanisms. Have built-in pulse surveys, end-of-period surveys, and ad hoc feedback presented via tags and word clouds. Incorporate development plans that are prepopulated, simple to build and based on data derived from employees in similar roles. Feature online assessments, help conducting personality assessments and resources to guide managers through difficult conversations. Can be used with activity streams and other gamification features that make them engaging and browsable. Are integrated with employee directories and other HR tools to become part of everyday work. 2. An Explosion in Real-Time Engagement Evaluation Customer and marketing teams have been developing innovative ways to measure customer input for decades. Today, companies are starting to do the same with their employees by making use of always-on, pulse-based feedback systems. Some employers now survey workers quarterly, monthly or even weekly, and many modern systems enable event-based feedback that can be gathered whenever there is a major organizational change. Not only are these tools becoming critical infrastructure for businesses trying to understand their employees’ needs, they are being integrated with performance management systems, succession planning initiatives, change management strategies and just about every other people practice. Indeed, feedback-based tools and systems will become a major theme in HR platforms in the coming years. 3. The Rise of People Analytics I can’t talk about disruptive technology without discussing the enormous strides that have taken place in the field of people analytics. Over the years that I’ve researched this market, organizations have moved from back-office HR data warehouses to advanced analytics and reporting dashboards to predictive models and more. As analytics models become more prevalent, companies are slowly moving away from building their own solutions to buying them from vendors. Oracle, SAP SuccessFactors, Workday, ADP, Cornerstone, Visier and Ultimate Software all have employee retention predictors (among many other modeling features) embedded in their software. Workday’s system can identify employee job changes that are likely to result in high-performance outcomes (as well as what job moves not to make). The products from Oracle and SuccessFactors can recommend which training employees should have based on their roles and activities at work, and Workday will soon have this functionality as well. Cornerstone’s system can predict which workers are likely to become noncompliant or lapse in their mandatory training and certification. As these embedded models continue to mature, HR departments will need to hire teams that understand them and can apply them effectively. New approaches for applying feedback and models of performance management have also emerged. One vendor, Starling Trust, offers a system that can analyze patterns of e-mail and other communication to build "trust networks"; it can actually predict where a security leak or fraud is likely to occur. Another company, Humanyze, sells smart badges that monitor workers’ locations and voice tenor to gauge when and where they experience the most stress. This data can be used to help companies reorganize facilities, change meeting times and formats, and drive engagement. A third recently-acquired vendor also provides tools that analyze e-mails to assess how people’s communications and time management practices differ. The platform can determine, for example, that high-performing salespeople spend more time than their lower-performing peers with certain groups and customers—and that data can be used to nudge others to change their behavior. It’s time to double down on your investment in analytics. My friends at big companies tell me that it takes a few years—and often a big budget—to clean up HR data, bring it into a consolidated environment and hire an analytics team to start doing the work. Organizations that don’t make this investment are likely to be disrupted by competitors that do. 4. Maturation of the Learning Market While most big companies have legacy learning management systems (Cornerstone, SumTotal, Saba, Oracle and SuccessFactors, for example), there are many new options available. Products are being reinvented by vendors issuing major new releases. New solutions like Workday Learning, Fuse Universal, SAP Jam and other tools focus on scaling video learning to the enterprise. There is another category of learning products coming that I call "learning experience platforms." They focus on delivering a "learning platform" and not just a "learning management platform." In other words, they are places to go to browse and learn, and not merely to register for courses. These new platforms bring YouTube-like video experiences to employees and include features for curation, recommended learning and data-driven recommendations. I predict that this new category of software will become huge as every major company realizes it needs these systems as a complement (or, someday, replacement) for its core learning system. Vendors include Degreed, Pathgather, EdCast, Everwise, LinkedIn Learning and others. 5. A New Landscape for Talent Acquisition Today’s recruitment and talent acquisition market is enormous—an estimated $240 billion in the United States alone based on research by Bersin by Deloitte. This massive market focuses on tools to help companies: Find strong job candidates. Market and brand themselves. Post and distribute job postings. Manage and interact with job boards. Conduct prehire skills assessments. Perform background screening and psychological testing. Interview candidates. Manage the entire complex process from end to end via applicant tracking and recruitment management systems. These tools are highly strategic for many businesses. Fast-growing technology companies, for example, can make or break their business plans based on how quickly they can find the right engineers, marketing professionals and salespeople. Retailers and seasonal manufacturers need to hire hundreds to thousands of people at critical times during the year, so it is key that they be able to find workers as quickly and effectively as possible at scale. Today, a new breed of platforms, including those from vendors such as SmartRecruiters, Lever, Greenhouse, Gild and others, have started from scratch, building end-to-end recruitment management systems that handle everything, including sourcing, ad management, analytics, online interviewing, interview management, candidate scoring, ongoing candidate relationship management and onboarding. These tools were designed to directly connect to LinkedIn and other job boards, and they can store candidates’ information so that it can be revisited year after year. In addition to managing applicants, they keep track of candidates and even alumni. Further, they focus on building tools that are easy to use for hiring managers and candidates, and not just recruiters and HR. 6. The Growth of Contingent Workforce Management Roughly 40 percent of workers in the United States are contingent in some fashion, according to government sources, and many of them look for jobs on special networks. Employers use those same channels to post jobs and find people with specialized skills. There are two emerging markets that support this new way of working. The first is contingent workforce management systems, such as Fieldglass from SAP, Kronos, Beeline, PeopleFluent, Workday and many others. This sector, which includes software for vendor management, as well as time-tracking and scheduling systems, is highly fragmented with only a few leaders. The second market is the gig-work networks that match workers to projects. There are dozens of such solutions, including Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, Workpop and many others. These platforms have morphed from job networks to recruiting and skills-management sites. Companies such as GitHub (for software engineers), Pixelapse (a collaboration platform for designers) and others are building similar tools for technical domains. HR professionals interested in exploring new options for finding contingent talent should start by monitoring these affinity sites to build a network of experts for contract work. 7. The Adoption of Team Management Tools A wide variety of software tools have been designed to facilitate collaboration by making it easier for teams to track their work with features such as real-time messaging, archiving and search. These include Slack, Workboard, Trello, Asana, Wrike, BetterWorks, 15Five, Basecamp, Rallyteam and others. While not all of these applications would be categorized as HR technology tools, most are starting to enter the HR space. (BetterWorks, for instance, is actually an enterprise-class goal management platform.) The biggest trend taking place in this sector is thesteady shift away from solutions used strictly by HRto those that help employees and managers do their jobs. For example, Workday’s new learning management system and talent management system are designed to enable employees to find their next position in their company, and to then locate and view training and video learning appropriate for that job. There is also a shift toward integrating this type of functionality with Outlook or the workflow management tools employees use every day (such as Slack or Asana). 8. A Wealth of Wellness Apps The next major area of disruption we can expect in 2017 is the accelerated growth oftools to manage wellness, work/life balance, employee activity and—ultimately—personal performance. Over the next year, applications for wellness, engagement, recognition and performance management could converge as each of these areas collects information on employee feedback, activity and goals and tries to improve the work environment. Here’s how this data could come together in the next few years: Core platform providers (such as Oracle, SAP SuccessFactors, Workday, Ultimate Software or others) have built-in analytics engines that correlate data from many sources into a global employee database. These new tools inform the company about what people are doing, how happy they are and how well they are taking care of themselves. Soon we could have a truly integrated view of employee wellness and be able to give workers insights, nudges and advice on ways to make work better, improve productivity and advance their careers. 9. Accelerated Automated HR HR technology is making bold advances into artificial intelligence, natural language processing and robotic process automation. This huge area covers products that can listen to our voices (such as Amazon Echo, Siri and Viv), augment call center work and connect many systems into a new workflow. The result of these technologies, including software development tools for mobile devices, is that most HR transactions can be redesigned, not as a series of transactions that people need to perform but as "journey maps" that automate: The entire employee joining process, not just hiring. That process may include prehire assessment; interviewing; onboarding; new-hire orientation; and the first six months of training, meeting people and learning. One of Deloitte’s clients now gives all candidates an app that helps them apply for a job, accept a position and learn their role, all as part of an integrated experience. Processes for employee career and job transitions, including assessment, internal job search, job recommendations, interviews, job offers and acceptances, employee moves, level or compensation changes, and orientation and onboarding. Exploration of retirement options, decisions about retirement plans, exit processes, joining the alumni network, and creating an ongoing relationship between the company and the employee after his or her departure. Assessment of an employee’s potential, including modules for leadership development, education, networking and coaching, as well as ongoing performance management practices for new supervisors. Artificial intelligence tools, robotic process automation and self-service transaction integration can facilitate a total redesign of the employee experience, dramatically reducing costs and improving the value of HR. IBM, for example, now has an artificial intelligence application that helps employees do their own onboarding, finds nearby employees as mentors, and addresses the top 200 questions employees ask in any new position. The entire experience is driven by a natural language bot and has proven successful in driving employee engagement. Almost every HR tech market will face disruption in 2017. The convergence of mobile computing, video, sensors and artificial intelligence is taking place simultaneously with an intense focus on employee engagement, culture, wellness and productivity. The result will be a new breed of products that will totally reinvent what HR technology—and HR itself—can do. Josh Bersin is a principal and the founder of Bersin by Deloitte, Deloitte Consulting LLP, a research and advisory consulting firm in enterprise learning and talent management. He is also the keynote speaker at the SHRM India HR Tech '17 Conference & Expo in April. As used in this article, "Deloitte" means Deloitte Consulting LLP, a subsidiary of Deloitte LLP. Please see www.deloitte.com/us/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. 来源:SHRM 原文链接:https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/0217/Pages/9-HR-Tech-Trends-for-2017.aspx
    Josh Bersin
  • Josh Bersin
    HR2.0时代:企业服务如何创新 如今,人力资源软件和平台领域正在自我革命、重塑自身。在移动应用、数据分析、视频学习以及以团队为中心的管理方式等元素的推动下,HR行业正在发生着颠覆性变化,众多的创业者和投资者在积极推动着这个市场的变革, HR领域已经从传统的以系统工具为主的HR1.0时代进入了以员工参与性、赋能化、个性化管理为主的HR2.0时代。 1.新环境变化驱动HR行业变革 (1)商品经济转向人才经济 据美国劳工统计局(BLS)统计,美国制造业的就业出现在1977年夏季,就业人数高达1950万,之后的23年就业人数持续下降。从制造业疲软的就业形势来看,在过去的十年以商品为中心的经济全面过渡到了以信息或人才为中心的经济,2009年制造业岗位低于1200万个,到今天也大致是这个水平。在这一转型中,每单位经济产出的人才成本指数从1977年的不到40上升提高了近2倍,如今已超过110。换句话说,美国经济已经稳步发展到了信息经济,人才已取代了商品成为最重要的决定性因素。 从中国劳动力市场来看,人力成本也在逐渐上升,全球经济研究和政府企业咨询机构牛津经济研究院(Oxford Economics)日前有研究结果显示,目前中国制造业的劳动力成本已经趋近于美国,且越来越多的机器可以代替人工,制造业的人力需求在下降,员工对企业的作用越来越趋向于知识性服务,对人才的选择和管理逐渐成为企业的核心竞争力。 (2)80、90后成为劳动力大军中的最大主力 80、90后逐渐成为劳动力大军中的最大主力,他们是与计算机及互联网共同成长的一代,他们充满个性,更富激情,更加符合现代管理学中Y理论的假设,即人的本性不是厌恶工作的,而是希望从工作中得到发挥个人价值的机会。现如今,这个年轻的群体也正处在从中层管理者迈向高层管理的过程,他们拥有了更多的决策权,更加注重人性化管理和团队协作,不崇尚权威,喜欢尝试新的管理方式,注重最大化发挥人才的价值。 (3)企业管理正在走向精细化和个性化 现代管理理论认为,科学化管理有三个层次:第一个层次是规范化,第二个层次是精细化,第三个层次是个性化。在过去几十年的信息化改革中,各种管理软件帮助企业建立规范化的流程,帮助企业通过数据去记录人力、财务和业务信息,SAP,Oracle,IBM等企业逐渐成长为行业龙头。但在精细化和个性化方面,企业需求更加细分多样化,当前系统化的服务提供商尚不能满足这些细分领域需求,企业家需要更多的工具去支撑和分析,帮助其进行精细化和个性化的管理。 上述变化正在发生,企业对人才的管理也出现了新的需求,这也为HR行业的变革创造了新的机遇 2.现在已经进入HR2.0时代 过去,大型企业通过安装“核心人力资源”系统(例如PeopleSoft , SAP等)去管理企业内部人力,如工资管理、福利、绩效管理等,但这些软件逐渐无法应对新的精细化管理需求,且面临着高度定制、复杂、难以使用、维护成本高等问题,从而使得HR行业成为创业者和投资机构青睐的领域,希望颠覆传统的人力资源管理,HR领域已经从传统的以系统工具为主的HR1.0时代进入了以员工参与性、赋能化、个性化管理为主的HR2.0时代。如下图所示,HR1.0代表着从信息自动化向综合化管理过渡,HR2.0则代表着从参与化向赋能化过渡: 具体来说,HR1.0和HR2.0有以下几点不同: HR 1.0是从自动化向综合化过度,更多的是满足企业信息化集成管理;HR 2.0更加注重员工的参与性,更多的是引导企业构建健康的企业文化,激励员工参与,并向员工赋能; HR 1.0是通过企业实践构建人才的解决方案;HR 2.0是通过数据最终构建人才的解决方案; HR 1.0关注的是人力资源系统如何去让公司的HR更加便捷的去管理公司员工,是以人才为本的管理;HR2.0则关注的是人力资源系统如何能让公司的每个人都能参与使用,实现团队协作和赋能,是以人性为本的管理。 3.SaaS服务将成为HR2.0时代的主角 如上图所示,从2000年以后,人力资源管理行业经历了从简单到复杂,从单一化到综合化,从自动化到个性化,从本地到云端的过程。 随着人力资源的需求在不断细分和深化,传统的人力资源系统并不能满足公司人才管理的需求,一些SaaS企业开始暂露头角,并在2006形成规模化应用。但在SaaS刚刚出现时,企业对他们的人力资源数据放在供应商手中并不能完全信任,从本地过渡到云端经历了一个漫长的过程。之后,随着SAP收购SuccessFactors并表示打算建立一个端到端的基于云的人力资源管理系统,薪酬和人才管理套件。 Oracle收购Taleo和SelectMinds,积极地为PeopleSoft重新设计了云,并形成了Oracle HCM。 IBM收购了Kenexa(拥有高度可扩展的申请人跟踪系统)。Workday建立了其端到端解决方案,扩大了其在全球的客户群。买家开始意识到云是未来,云服务投资开始进入成熟期。 紧接着,BetterWorks、Checkr、Culture Amp、Greenhouse、Grovo、Gusto、Justworks、Lever、Namely、Reflektive、SmartRecruiters和Zenefits这些云服务商在2012年至2016 年间获得A 轮融资,在细分领域进行精细化管理。另外一些新的应用也在不断出现,招聘、在线学习、绩效管理、数据分析等成为HR2.0时代 SaaS创新的主流。 因此我们认为,在HR2.0时代,SaaS企业会大有可为,可帮助企业进行更为深刻的人力资源管理变革。 4.不断的市场细分和深化是HR SaaS企业的创新方向 Next World跟踪了80 多家使用其NextScape 软件的HR SaaS 企业。他们按照人才招聘、人才最优化和核心人力资源管理将 HR 2.0 市场进行了细分,在每个领域都有大量的创新型企业出现,如下图所示: 可以看出,HR领域已经进入了破坏性创新的时代,市场细分和技术深化成为了创新的方向,这使得很多初创公司打开了颠覆HR领域的大门。在这些公司中,许多公司都是由技术工程师领导,之前从未在人力资源领域工作过,他们通过创新性地建立简单易用的工具,让众多的客户企业员工的工作变的更加有效率。一些企业如BetterWorks,仅仅从简单的目标管理开始,通过统一企业目标,逐渐切入到企业的绩效管理领域。他们都是新鲜的创造性思想家,正在将惊人的创新带入市场,且不会受到旧式思维的束缚,引领着HR领域的变革。 5.HR2.0下技术创新更加尊重员工的体验 通过对美国市场HR SaaS领域企业的研究,我们发现,新型的HR软件更加注重用户体验和数据分析,他们基本都具备以下特点: (1)   嵌入反馈功能 在这些管理软件中,创新者设置了大量的工具去帮助使用者不断的和同事去互动,提建议、评论和评价。这些数据可以用于指导、评估、技能开发和绩效管理等。例如,一个创业公司Zugata专门利用反馈功能来对员工进行能力管理和技术开发。 (2)   提供持续养料而非看板 在过去的管理软件中,员工需要不断的填入各种信息,公司的人力部门利用这些信息去统计和设计员工的薪资、福利、绩效等。这种表格式管理更多的是静态的,固定的且不可灵活改变。新一代的人力软件则更多的向社交软件靠拢,要为员工提供大量的垂直的实时信息,大量的移动化信息,让这些工作内容更加动态和有趣,实时获取工作的养料。 (3)   移动化 无论是学习还是办公,移动化已经是一个趋势。移动体验正在慢慢“吃”掉浏览器体验:超过40%的求职者尝试通过他们的手机申请,超过60%的在线视频现在在移动设备上消费(数据来源于Kleiner Perkins2016年互联网趋势的报告)。在旧的应用程序中,我们有菜单,下拉表格,面板和仪表板,来帮助我们管理员工。今天,我们开发的应用程序可以让我们滑动,捏,扫描和滚动,大多数提供了一个“活动流”,告诉我们其他人在做什么,这显然更受新时代“80、90后”员工的欢迎。 (4)   游戏化、趣味性展示 通过趣味性的图形、游戏化的设置可以让工作更加有趣。例如,BetterWorks通过视觉提示(一棵美丽的树),告诉你离实现目标方面有多远,并鼓励使用者频繁地使用应用程序。 Reflektive通过使用积分和各种形式的累积信用,鼓励使用者回来,回到工作中。 Globoforce,Limeaid和VirginPulse和其他社交工具结合,为你提供线索,奖励徽章,使工作更有意义和乐趣。 (5)   注重智能分析和行为指导 新一代的创新的工具不会专注于分析仪表盘和报表,而是更加注重分析人的行为,通过你在系统中的行为,同事的行为来分析,通过数据的方式建议或推荐活动。它不会告诉你“你有一个合规计划已经完成”,而是会“建议”你,你下一步应该做什么,你之前做的事情已经产生了什么样子的影响力,如何做才能让你的工作做的更好。 根据Next World Capital的HR 开发工具NextScape的粗略评估显示,2016 年,年花费为130-150亿美元的HR 软件中,HR2.0的市场份额会越来越大,HR领域的企业服务将会有广阔的成长空间,我们期待有更多的创新者能够加入。 参考文章来源 1、 HR 2.0 is the poster child for the next wave of SaaS innovation https://techcrunch.com/2016/08/07/hr-2-0-is-the-poster-child-for-the-next-wave-of-saas-innovation/ 2、 The HR Software Market Reinvents Itself http://joshbersin.com/2016/07/the-hr-software-market-reinvents-itself/ 3、 HR Technology in 2017: Disruption Ahead http://joshbersin.com/2016/10/hr-technology-in-2017-disruption-ahead/ 来源:36氪,作者:人才易,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5056573.html
    Josh Bersin
  • Josh Bersin
    数字化社会正在打造新的组织模式 企业面临这5大挑战 图片来源:Deloitte University Press 据德勤近日发布2016年人力成本趋势报告,为适应当今劳动力市场和商业环境的需求,在超过130个国家的7000多家公司中,92%的企业认为,今年最关键的挑战就是重塑工作方式。 受数字化影响,“团队网络”的新组织模式正在崛起:在网络基础上,企业授权团队完成各项具体业务项目和挑战。从某种程度来说,企业不再像传统企业,而是更像好莱坞电影制作团队,大家一起去解决项目,一旦项目完成,项目团队随之解散并移动至新的工作项目中。 企业的新组织模式有4个成功关键: 1. 共同的价值观和文化; 2. 透明的目标和项目; 3. 反馈和信息自由流动; 4. 凭能力和所做贡献得到奖励,而不是职位。 如今大多数企业面临的问题(员工敬业度、企业文化、上市时间、创新力)都与新工作方式有关,这促使人们开始重新思考职业和内部流动性,重设目标及奖励机制,不再提倡向上流动,也不再强调领导的权力地位。 图片来源:德勤报告在新组织结构的影响下,领导力成为公司面临的第二大问题。89%的高管将加强、再造以及提高组织领导作为重要优先事项,高达2/3的受访者将其归为紧急一类。 传统的金字塔型领导力发展模型已经无法适应快节奏的业务需求和变化的步伐,位置型领导(因为我是副总裁,所以我就是领导)正转变为依靠专业、热情、精力以及赋权的团队领导力。今天需要的领导人必须灵活、学习速度快,并且能联结整个组织。他们得有亲自领导的能力,在带领团队的同时还能进行跨团队操作。 “我们公司没有总经理的空间。如果我们的领导人不能成为实际领导人,我就不需要他们。无论是团队之间还是城市之间,信息流动都很容易,我不需要经理在中间打报告来告诉我团队背后正在发生的问题。”一位公司增速极快的CEO表示。 图片来源:德勤报告第三,企业文化塑造也成为了如今商业世界最热门的话题,数据显示,有86%的高管认为文化问题很重要。 在许多国家,千禧一代已占劳动力市场的一半以上,他们寻求工作的任务和价值,在小团体工作时,他们需要共同的文化来确保战略、项目以及合作都保持在同一轨道上。此外,地理上分散的团队也需要一套指导方针和价值体系来帮助他们决定要做什么、如何做决定以及明白什么是可以接受的行为。 当一个公司的文化与其价值观紧密相连,它就会吸引那些认可公司文化的员工,进而帮助企业激励员工,达到高水平的敬业度。调查显示,认为其公司所推动文化正确的高管比例从10%升至12%,有小幅进步。然而不到1/3的高管(28%)认为自己理解其公司的文化。 伴随企业文化,员工敬业度也是个相当迫切的主题,有85%的高管将敬业度视为首要任务。文化是关于公司的工作方式,而敬业度则是人们如何看待公司的工作方式。如今的员工更像志愿者而非契约仆人。活跃在社交网络上的他们可以浏览或接受新工作机会,共享公司和老板信息。如果无法鼓励他们积极参与工作,游离的员工将导致组织效率低下。 年度敬业度调查正在被如脉冲调查、匿名的社交工具及经理定期反馈考核这些新方法和工具替代,这也令HR有了一个重要的新角色——员工聆听官。 在提高员工敬业度的方法上,有84%的受访企业认可了学习的重要性,2016年投入在学习项目的投入资金比2015年提升了10%。公司希望提供专业技能、技术培训以及职业发展机会来吸引更多的优秀人才。比如在许多零售企业中,学费报销计划和早期职业生涯管理再度流行。另外,员工的自主学习重要性凸显。采用在线教育平台MOOC的企业占比从30%上涨至43%,而采用先进的视频学习工具的企业占比从5%上涨到15%。 报告显示,为了满足不断增加的人才需求,组织还需要不断学习整合并充分利用兼职和临时雇员。超过70%的人力资源高管认为这个趋势极为重要。 最后,零工经济也为组织人力资源管理带来一系列挑战。只有19%的受访高管表示所在组织充分了解关于临时雇员监管的劳动法规,11%的高管表示组织具有完善的临时雇员管理流程。这也表明,随着组织临时雇员的规模和范围不断扩大,未来组织需要采用更多审慎的方式进行管理。同时,未来组织劳动力管理也需要应对认知技术和智能技术兴起带来的一系列挑战,诸如工作职位的消失、工作性质的变化甚至可能摧毁劳动力。 “企业需要与时俱进并满足商业生态系统的需求。”德勤总裁Josh Bersin表示,组织要授权给团队,发展一个更年轻且更具包容性的领导力结构。   来源:界面新闻 记者:曾烨轩
    Josh Bersin
  • Josh Bersin
    招聘官:行动起来 构建人才网络 【文章来源:招聘新视野】 在社交媒体时代,招聘不再是扩充候选人池,而是要构建人才网络。   在乔什·伯尔辛(Josh Bersin)最近为《福布斯》杂志撰写的一篇文章里,提到各大企业的招聘中,人才网络已经变得越来越普遍,“企业开始慢慢从‘候选人关系管理’的模式向构建‘人才网络’的模式转变。”   什么是人才网络?可能很多招聘官还一头雾水,在这里,我将为大家做个简要介绍。   人才社区和人才网络 国内很多企业都有尝试建设自己的人才社区。所谓人才社区,是围绕某个共同的兴趣建设的讨论区。这个兴趣可以是某个行业(如化工),也可以是某个技能(如编程),甚至是企业本身。通过社区,招聘官可以与社区成员们分享信息,展开开放性的对话,这样既可以塑造雇主品牌形象,又可以约定并采购候选人。   而我们所说的人才网络,是一个有选择的候选人数据库,它与人才社区有着本质的不同。因为通过申请工作,或通过你的招聘页面及社交媒体站点,期望了解更多公司或招聘机会的信息,候选人有选择地加入到这一网络中来。企业就可以通过创建相关内容,将有针对性的内容传播到特定的人才网络中,约定候选人。   在人才社区里,内容由候选人和企业共同创造并分享。人才社区要把它办得有声有色,需要花费很大的气力。不仅是招聘官,企业其它员工都需要参与进来,一同来发表有吸引力的内容,活跃论坛氛围,这样才有可能吸引到候选人的参与。它最终演变成一个直接的人才采购活动,招聘官可根据特定成员发表的文章或他在论坛里的活性,来证明他与企业文化及工作需求的匹配度。   人才网络相对直接一些,招聘官所需要做的是鉴别人才网络里不同类型的受众,并保证所生产的内容有价值,不被当做垃圾邮件。因为是候选人自愿加入的,所以它能提供一个较好的候选人体验。再者,通过人才网络发送出的招聘广告都能收到更好的回报。相比于其它渠道,它几乎是零成本。   如果要让你的人才网络产生效果,需要关注在两个主要的事情上。一是保持双向沟通。除了要向人才网络输送有价值的信息,还需要为候选人提供反馈或向公司提问的渠道,并且快速回应,不能只是自说自话。二是关注如何填补未来的岗位空缺。创建人才网络的主要目的就是为企业寻找优秀的人才。约定对你企业感兴趣的候选人,并让他们及时了解到工作机会,这样才能提升合格候选人的数量,并减少对其它付费招聘渠道的依赖。   如何构建人才网络 当然,在人才网络发挥作用之前,还需要让候选人加入到你的人才网络中来。首先,加入的步骤和操作要很简单,并且显而易见。其次,你要提供候选人加入人才网络的渠道。通常你可以利用以下渠道:   招聘活动。在发布招聘岗位的时候,我们除了提供投递简历的入口,我们是否可以增加一个“加入人才网络”的入口呢?在申请流程中,增加一个简单的选填表框就可以。就算候选人不投递简历,也可以通过这一渠道,进入到你的招聘数据库中。   招聘页面。官网的招聘页面是构建人才网络的最佳入口。如果在你的招聘页面还没有这个选项,那么马上添加一个吧。候选人访问企业的招聘页面,表明他们对企业很感兴趣,并期望获取到更多有价值的信息。如果他们加入到你的人才网络,就算现在没有他们感兴趣的工作机会,你也可以与其保持联系,直到那个合适的机会出现为止。   行业活动/人才市场。行业里的论坛或是专场招聘活动,也为你接触高质量候选人提供了可能。主要的问题在于很多公司虽然接触到那么多优秀的候选人,但也仅此而已,后续缺乏跟踪和联络。发送“在线申请职位”的邀请,好像并不妥当,但是如果邀请他加入你的人才网络呢?应该不会那么尴尬吧!尤其你还可以利用手机这一工具。   博客。博客是一种比较陈旧的媒体形态,但是如果用于发表公司的观点,讲述员工故事,却是再合适不过。博客也有助于让候选人了解到你企业有多么与众不同。利用这个渠道,你也可以邀请候选人加入你的人才网络。   社交媒体页面。社交招聘的应用越来越广泛,利用社交媒体约定候选人并与其沟通也变得越来越普遍。你可以邀请候选人加入你的人才网络,通过电子邮件或SMS获取相关的信息。多种沟通渠道,意味着你能与候选人更加紧密地联系在一起,分享有用的信息。   建设人才网络并没有太高的难度,如果你不运用所有的招聘渠道,驱使候选人进入到你的人才网络,那么这对你的招聘市场活动是一种伤害。在社交媒体时代,招聘不再仅是数字游戏,更是与每一个候选人的关系游戏——我们将其可能的社会关系都加入到人才网络里,这些社会关系都有可能成为未来招聘岗位的潜在候选人。所以,行动吧!你的人才招聘和雇主品牌都将因之而受益。  
    Josh Bersin
  • Josh Bersin
    企业利用MOOCs:发掘并培训新员工 如果你问人为什么他们公司有员工培训与开发项目,你会发现,他们对你的问题感到很奇怪——因为很显然,培训与开发项目的目的是尽可能为员工提供他们岗位所必须的经验。当然,培训与开发项目可以用于传统的知识的传递及技能的构建,不过MOOCs并非传统的培训课程,作为大规模开放网络学习环境,他们在企业培训与开发中发挥着重大作用。 正如Josh Bersin所言,企业运用MOOCs大致有7种方式,包括员工的挖掘、招聘到客户维护、激励创新等。本文将主要讲述前两种方式:构建人才管道及新员工入职培训。 构建企业人才管道 现在企业一般都在挖掘人才、保留住优秀员工方面有很多的问题。构建企业人才管道主要面临两方面的挑战:其一,企业所需技能与员工本身技能间存在很大的差距;其二,员工在同一单位工作的时间太短。实际上,他们在同一个公司待的时间一点都不长——在美国,员工平均在一个单位待大约4年左右。 MOOCs为企业构建人才管道提供了一种方式,企业可以通过与MOOCs提供商建立合作关系来设计自己的课程,并且同时发现优秀潜在员工。Bersin认为公司可以从以下三方面入手: ·筛选候选人。Coursera和Udacity都有就业服务,公司可以通过此服务发掘优秀学员。 ·课程赞助。公司可以赞助MOOCs课程,甚至自己开发MOOCs项目。例如企业赞助的MOOCs课程学习SAP和MongoDB最先进的软件设计知识,AT&T公司赞助佐治亚理工学院的计算机科学MOOC的硕士研究生项目。 ·成立联盟。开放教育联盟是几家技术公司联盟,包括谷歌、Autodesk、AT&T等,与Udacity合作开发课程及基于项目的学习,并承诺可以可以雇佣那些成功完成课业的学员。 通过这些项目,公司可以公布空缺职位,发现有前途的员工、提供特定的课程及产品选择学生。 新员工入职培训 在通过MOOCs发现新员工之后,公司还可以用MOOCs进行新员工入职培训。新员工的入职培训一般都90天左右,包括正规的培训以及见习工作等。入职培训的成本非常高。根据美国进步中心数据显示,公司员工更换的成本从年薪的16%(那些年收入不到3万美金的职员)到200%(高收入员工,如公司高层)。而且,由于员工在同一家公司所待的时间可能只有四年的时间,因此,企业降低员工入职培训的成本、提供效率变得更加重要。 MOOCs是一种互动式的数字化学习环境,能够为企业提供简便快捷的入职培训。由于MOOCs课程一旦开发之后,增加学员的边缘成本几近于零,因此,MOOCs的员工入职培训方式尤其适用于同时招聘大量新员工。当招聘的员工分布于不同部门并且在不同的地区、甚至不同国家的时候,其带来的益处将更加明显。对于新招聘的其他地区的员工,MOOCs能够传统elearning中所没有的互动,甚至许多线下入职培训也不能提供这种充分的互动。这种即时的互动能够提高员工的参与度,甚至可以降低他们在培训过程中跳槽的几率。 最知名的企业运用MOOCs的案例要属McAfee,它利用翻转课堂的模式缩短了新员工招聘的时间,降低了成本。在采用这种方式之前,他们公司需要超过80小时的员工培训,包括新员工的定位、密集现场培训、以及之后的工作。该公司表示,培训模式的转变不仅缩减了培训成本,还大大提高了销售效率。   【文章来源:崔娟 编译】
    Josh Bersin